28. Pushing Her Luck

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"Buongiorno, Bambina," Carina said, spotting Maddie walk into the kitchen as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Mornin' Mama," Maddie said, moving to sit on the couch in the lounge. "Where's Mom?" She wondered.

"Mom had to work today Maddie, so it's just the two of us hanging out. What would you like for breakfast?" Carina wondered, ready to whip up anything the teenager fancied. "I can do french toast, waffles or even pancakes?" She asked.

"I'm not feeling too hungry right now, I'll just have some toast with Nutella," Maddie said, resting her head tiredly on the arm of the couch. "But if you're offering coffee, I could take one of them too?" She asked, deciding to try to push her luck.

"I don't think that would be such a good idea Bambina," Carina chuckled.

"Why not?" Maddie asked curiously.

"Well your mom wouldn't be happy with either of us," Carina said. "Besides, I remember the last time you had caffeine, I don't fancy that happening again,"

"That was only because Zio let me have a bunch of it. It wouldn't affect me all that much with just one," Maddie said innocently, feeling slightly sad at the memory but didn't let it show in front of Carina who also wore a sad facial expression.

"Lo so but I am not letting that happen again. Capisci?" Carina asked. Maddie was slightly familiar with that word and nodded.

"Si," Maddie agreed in Italian which made Carina smile in return.

"Bene. I will make the toast for you," Carina said, she couldn't help but chuckle though at the teenager's eager attempt for coffee. "And you can have orange juice instead?" She offered.

"Grazie Mama," Maddie said while she grabbed the TV remote to find a film to watch on Netflix.

"Hey. Wiggins took one more shift off, so I asked Ruiz to cover again. He seemed to work out well last time." Maya announced walking into the beanery to find all of the team eating breakfast. "Wait. Why?" Vic asked. Maya turned to look at her. "I mean, why?" Vic asked in shock.

"She means, 'Got it, Cap.'" Dean said from where he was stood behind her.

"Vic, why are you eating day-old sushi for breakfast?" Andy asked the question for everyone else as Robert and Maya both pulled a face of disgust.

"And why are you saying that like it's so weird?" Vic fired back.

"Because it's a day old." Dean said once he'd sat down.

"That is weird," Jack piped in.

"Okay," Vic said.

"No, sushi is a perfect food. But it's also 8 a.m," Jack said.

"Yeah. That is a hard no," Ben added in.

"Okay, people eat salmon on bagels," Vic argued.

"But that is, like, smoked, and that is raw," Maya said from where she was opening a sachet of coffee to pour in her mug and pointed out to Vic.

"Yeah." Andy asked, noticing Travis walk into the beanery.

"And it's from the grocery store," Robert said.

"And it's from yesterday," Dean added in as he ate his bowl of cereal.

"Alright, Montgomery... Montgomery, would you eat day-old sushi for breakfast?" Andy asked Travis. Travis turned his attention to the luitenant.

"I have. And I do. And I would," Travis told her.

"Nice," Dean said sarcastically.

"Of course he would," Jack said.

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