57. Back To School

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"Rise and shine kiddo," Maya said as she swiftly drew the curtains back in Maddie's bedroom. "First day back at school today!" she exclaimed.

"Ugh, no. Five more minutes mom," Maddie groaned from beneath her duvet, she sluggishly rested her arm over her pillow and remained with her eyes shut.

Maya chuckled and started to pull her daughter's duvet away. "Come on Mads, time to get up and get ready for school," she stated.

"I don't want to," Maddie whined as she tried to pull the duvet back within her reach. "I want to sleep instead," she added.

"You have to otherwise you'll be late. Come on let's go kiddo," Maya said as she attempted to pull the duvet back again which she managed to do successfully.

"Mom!" Maddie whined, instantly curling herself up into a ball to try and prevent her from the cold.

"Come on, let's go kiddo. Up you get," Maya told her.

Maddie looked at her mom and pouted. "Can't I just skip school and sleep longer? I'm tired still," she grumbled.

"No, because school is important and you need to go," Maya told her daughter firmly. "How can you still be tired when you went to bed at a decent time," she said.

"I'm a teenager mom. I'm always tired," Maddie mumbled.

"Well, I suppose that is true," Maya chuckled and shook her head. "Come on, up you get kiddo," she told her as she patted her leg gently. "I won't ask you again," she added.

Maddie let out a groan and moved to show the pillow over her head as if it would just drown out the older blonde. "I don't want to, I want to sleep more. My bed's too comfy," she mumbled.

Maya let out a sigh and rested her hands on her hip. "Madison, up now!" she ordered firmly.

"Mom-" Maddie started.

"Madison, get up now! I won't tell you again!" Maya barked orders at her teenage daughter as she pulled the pillow away from her. "Get up," she repeated, not in the mood for any more of this nonsense.

Maddie grumbled and sat up in bed as she shot her mother a scowl. "I'm up, can you leave my bedroom now so I can get dressed in peace?" she muttered.

"Watch the attitude," Maya pointed a finger at her. "Get ready for school and when you're done, come into the kitchen. Mama is making you her french toast for your first day back at school," she told her.

Maddie nodded tiredly and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before she stood up from her bed to walk over to her closet. "Alright," she agreed as she looked through her clothes to find something to wear.

Carina stood in the kitchen as she worked on making french toast when Maya walked into the kitchen frustrated. "I heard shouting. I take it that waking up the Bambina didn't go that well," she chuckled as she moved to grab plates out of the cupboard.

"It was eventful as always," Maya replied as she sat down on a stool as watched her wife continue with breakfast. "Why did I think that being away from school for several months, it would be easier to wake her up," she chuckled.

"Teenagers are never easy to wake up Bella," Carina stated as she smiled at her wife.

"That's pretty much what she told me when I questioned how she was so tired still," Maya said, moving to snatch a blueberry on the plate and pop it in her mouth. "I guess it was worth the hope though, huh?" she asked.

"It was," Carina said as she playfully slapped her wife's hand to stop her from taking another blueberry. "Bella, those are for the Bambina," she told her wife seriously.

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