39. Late Night Fears

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"Mads, are you ready to go?" Maya called out through the apartment.

"No!" Maddie shouted back. Maya furrowed her brow in confusion. "I need your help, Mom!" She continued to shout frantically.

Maya ran into Maddie's bedroom to find clothes on the floor in a pile, "Woah, okay, what happened in here? It looks like a Tornado's hit your bedroom." She said shocked.

Maddie turned around to look at her Mom in absolute despair, "I can't find it!" She exclaimed annoyed.

"Okay, what can't you find?" Maya questioned confused.

"My phone charger!" Maddie exclaimed as she turned back to route through her closet as she continued to throw more clothes out.

Maya can't help but chuckle, "Maddie, why an earth would your phone charger be in your closet?" She asked amused.

"I don't know," Maddie said as she shrugged her shoulders. "I can't find it anywhere and I wanted to Facetime Mama before we went to the station," she said frustrated.

"Maybe if you tidied up your room once in a while then you might be able to find it," Maya said, motioning to the general untidiness of her daughter's bedroom.

Maddie rolled her eyes at her mom's words, "Mom it's my bedroom. I don't see what the problem is," She stated simply.

"You don't see what the problem is?" Maya questioned with a raised eyebrow. "You can barely even see the floor in your bedroom since it's just covered by clothes." She stated.

"Well, I like the mess." Maddie mumbled.

"You might like the mess but I don't, so you really need to clean it up soon please," Maya said as she looked around at the pile of clothes shoved on the floor. "Come on, we need to leave now otherwise I will be late, again." She added.

It had only been two days since Carina had left for Italy, Maddie was beginning to miss her, and she had attempted to push Maya's buttons.

"Coming now," Maddie said as she picked up her backpack and followed her mom out to her car. "I'm going to try and Facetime Mama now on the way," she said.

"Okay, but she might not be able to answer if she is busy at work," Maya said as she concentrated out on the road in front of her. "Give it a try and see what happens," she said.

Maddie nodded and quickly found her Mama's number in her phone as she rang her on Facetime, surprisingly she picked up after a couple of rings. "Hi Mama!" She said excitedly.

"Hello there, Bambina." Carina answered the call on the other end. It looked like she had ducked away into a quiet room as she took off her PPE. "Ciao, Bella." She smiled when Maddie turned the camera in Maya's direction.

"Hey, beautiful." Maya smiled in return at her fiancé.

"I miss you Mama," Maddie told the Italian women.

Carina smiled sadly at the teenage girl who looked disheartened, "I miss you too, Bambina but it won't be long until I am back with you both." She stated. "Only a month." She added.

"Can't wait for that day," Maya called from over the side of the phone.

"Me neither, Bella." Carina said with a smile on her face.

"A month needs to hurry up," Maddie grumbled.

"It'll go quick Piccola, I promise!" Carina insisted. "Meanwhile, I hope you're behaving for your mom." She spoke with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, I am," Maddie grinned.

"Okay," Carina chuckled, knowing exactly what the teenage girl was like.

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