53. Wrapped Up In Cotton Wool

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"Hey, ready to go home, kiddo?" Maya questioned her daughter who was gazing down at Toby in her arms. It was now later in the day, Katherine had gone back to her Mason's apartment since she needed to get her stuff together, she was due to head back home tomorrow so she needed to be prepared, Carina was downstairs getting out of her scrubs so that just left the five of them.

Maddie shook her head in the direction older blonde. "Not yet," she stated.

"And here I thought you would want to leave the hospital," Maya teased her thirteen-year-old who rolled her eyes.

"There's a difference mom, Toby's here now!" Maddie exclaimed as she continued to look down at the newborn in her arms. "He is so adorable," she added.

"He is adorable," Maya agreed while she chuckled and placed her hand on Maddie's shoulder. "And there's plenty of time to see Toby but you've been discharged from the hospital, you've practically begged to go home and now you have, so lets' go home," she told her. 

"But mom," Maddie whined as she felt Maya reach down to gently coax Toby out of her arms and she handed him back to Mason.

"Come on kiddo. Let's leave your uncle and Chloe in peace with Toby," Maya said, knowing that Maddie was relentless to leave.

Mason noticed the sad expression on the teenager's face. "Hey, don't worry Mads. You can come around and see him when we're at home," He told her.

Maddie's face lit immediately. "I can?" she questioned.

Chloe smiled and nodded. "Yeah of course you can," she agreed.

"Awesome!" Maddie exclaimed and she walked over to the uncle who was now sitting next to the bed with Toby in his arms. "Bye uncle Mase! Bye Chloe!" she said as she reached to hug her uncle and Chloe. "Bye Toby, I can't wait to see you again soon!" She said as she reached over and lightly kissed the top of his head.

"Bye Maddie," Chloe said as she smiled.

"Hey, what about me?" Mason asked teasingly as Chloe playfully whacked him in the side. "I'm only messing with you kid. See you soon," He said as he hugged his niece back. "Bye sis," He waved.

"See you later, Mase!" Maya said as she waved briefly at her brother. "See you later, Chloe and congratulations on the little guy," she said as she smiled softly at her nephew.

"Thanks," Chloe said as she smiled at the blonde. "See you both soon," she waved at the mother and daughter.

"Come on, let's go and meet your mama downstairs," Maya stated as she guided Maddie out of the hospital room.

"Toby is so adorable," Maddie stated as they walked over to the car.

"Yeah, he is," Maya said while she nodded in agreement. "I can't believe that your uncle Mase is a dad himself now," she stated.

"I know. It's crazy," Maddie said while she giggled.

Maya wrapped her arm around her daughter as they were virtually the same height. "I can give him some of my top parenting tips now," she said.

"What, you have tips?" Maddie asked cheekily with a smirk on her face.

Maya looked offended at her daughter. "You cheeky little-"

"Hey, mama!" Maddie interjected and waved at the woman who was already waiting for them downstairs in the reception area of the hospital.

Carina looked over to the two blondes and smiled. "Hi, Bambina. Are you ready to head home now?" she asked.

"Yeah, although I wish that I could spend more time with Toby," Maddie said as she pouted.

"There's plenty of time for that Bambina," Carina said as they walked towards her Porsche in the parking lot.

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