73. Devastation

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"So..." Carina glanced in Ben's direction to see his reaction.

"What do you think of the idea?" Jack questioned, eager for his thoughts on their idea.

"Well..." Ben said deep in thought as he munched on his bowl of cereal.

Jack groaned aloud and threw his hands up in the air, "Ah, come on, don't keep us waiting Warren," he said impatiently.

Ben couldn't help but chuckle, "I like it. Yeah, I think that it's a good idea," he stated in agreement.

All of a sudden there was a movement that shook the entire fire station and put everyone in a motion of panic.

"Whoa!" Carina exclaimed in shock.

"What was that?" Ben questioned confused.

Everyone that was in the Beanery started to run around like headless chickens, shocked by the abrupt movement.

"Was that an earthquake?" Vic asked as she ran into the beanery along with Dean.

"Or a bomb," Jack spoke aloud.

"Dispatch Engine 19, Ladder 19, Aid car 19 requested to 647 Wright Avenue,"

"And there it is," Ben said as all of the firefighters jumped into action and darted out of the beanery, leaving Carina alone in disbelief.

"Why do I even come here?" Carina questioned as she stood there with an orange in her hand. "Why?" she questioned aloud.

"I wonder what that was," Travis wondered aloud from where he sat in the back of the firetruck on the way to the call-out.

"We'll soon find out I guess," Maya muttered as she concentrated on driving the truck.

"Hey, how's things at home with the kiddo?" Jack questioned from where he sat beside her in the passenger seat. "Still giving you both grief?" he chuckled lightly.

"Well she's the definition of a rebellious teenager," Maya couldn't help but laugh as she remained focused on the drive in front.

"Oh no, that's just teenagers in general," Ben piped in from the back as he chuckled. "You and Carina seem to be dealing with it well though," he added.

"Thanks, Warren," Maya said appreciating his words. "We're just doing the best that we can but she's definitely pushing all of our buttons," she told him.

"Looks like we're here," Travis pointed out as he looked at the window of the truck. "Holy hell!" he exclaimed in shock.

Maya parked the truck, hopping out of it and grabbing her helmet along the way, "O–Oh my God," she stuttered in shock when she saw the scene in front of her.

"Well, this is somethin' completely unexpected," Jack mumbled in shock as he put his helmet on.

"Dispatch from Incident Command 19. You're gonna get a bunch of calls on this one," Beckett spoke through his radio as he looked around at the chaos in front of him.

Maya fixed her helmet on her head and took a brief glance at what was around her as she ran over to join Beckett and the rest of the team, "What the hell happened here," she mumbled.

Beckett turned his attention to his team, "Okay, let's get everyone out! Make it fast, but be thorough. These buildings are already fully involved," he told them all,

"On it," Jack agreed and walked away. Maya began to follow Jack as they headed towards the houses to get people out.

"This somethin' else," Maya said in a state of shock at what was around her as she started to head into a house. "Fire department, Seattle Fire, call out!" she said as she headed inside a house.

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