69. The Beginning Of A Downward Spiral

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"Bambina, come on. You need to get up or you'll be late for school," Carina called aloud as she knocked on the teenager's bedroom door. "Bambina, come on, open the door, please," she pleaded.

On the other side of the bedroom door, Maddie dramatically flopped onto her bed and threw her phone aside as she curled up in a ball, in an attempt to shut the rest of the world out, and her mama who wouldn't stop banging on the door. Lizzie was fast asleep to the side of her, completely oblivious of what was going on around her.

The past week had been a challenge. At least it had been for everyone involved. Maddie had pretty much gone into a downward spiral, shutting herself out from the two women who were trying to be patient and give her the space that she needed.

Maya who was now ready for work walked out of the bedroom and looked at her wife confused, "Is she still not up yet?" she questioned.

Carina exhaled a sigh and moved away from the door, "No, and it seems that she has now barricaded herself in her bedroom as well now," she told her wife.

"What?" Maya asked taken back and moved forward towards the door to knock. "Maddie, open the door, now!" she exclaimed.

"Bella, we just need to give her the space and she will come out," Carina stated.

Maya looked at her wife and shook her head, "Carina, we've been giving her space for the past week. We cannot continue to let this go on further," she said as she grew impatient and banged her fist against the door again. "Madison, open up now!" she growled virtually.

"Maya..." Carina tried to speak to her wife.

"This is getting ridiculous," Maya said impatiently as she cut her wife off. "Madison, open the door or so help me!" she continued to pound her fist against the door.

There was a sound from the other side of the door as furniture was moved and the door opened, "Alright. Geesh. Quit banging on the door, would you?" The teenager groaned.

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't lock yourself in your room, Maddie," Maya said as she looked at her daughter in disbelief. "You need to get ready for school before you are late," she told her as she glanced at the time on her watch.

Maddie rolled her eyes at the blonde woman just at the mention of school, "I'm not going to school," she told her.

"Yes you are," Maya said firmly. If she wasn't running late for work already then she would find humour in the situation.

"No. I can't go," Maddie told her quickly.

"Oh, yeah? And why would that be, kiddo?" Maya questioned curiously with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, I'm sick..." Maddie was quick to make up an excuse.

"Really?" Maya leaned forward and pressed the back of her hand against her daughter's head. "Huh, that's funny, you don't seem that sick to me," she told her.

"I am, really sick," Maddie faked a cough. "See?" she asked.

"Oh sure. You seem like you are really sick," Maya said as she couldn't help but laugh. "Nice try kiddo, you're going to school. Go and get ready," she told her firmly.

Maddie groaned and threw her head back in frustration, "I am sick though," she stated.

"Alright," Maya said as she crossed her arms and stood in front of her daughter. "If you are really that sick then I am sure that when you're at school, then your principal will call either your mama or I to pick you up," she told her as she noted the time on her watch. "Hurry up and get dressed, then come into the kitchen for breakfast. I'm sure you'll feel better once you have eaten," she told her.

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