75. Depression

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T/W: This chapter will include mentions of Self-Harm so if you're triggered by this then I wouldn't read the end of this chapter.

"Car?" Maya spoke tiredly as she barely opened her eyes to find her wife moving around the bedroom whilst trying to be quiet as possible. "What time is it?" she questioned confused.

Carina turned to look at the blonde woman with a guilty expression. "Sorry, Bella. I was trying not to wake you up," she said as she sighed.

"It's okay," Maya reluctantly agreed as she shifted herself to lean against the headboard of the bed. "Where are you going?" she wondered.

"The hospital needs me to come in. There's an emergency," Carina explained to her wife as she continued to get changed as quickly as possible.

Maya furrowed her eyebrow confused, "But it's your day off? Surely there's another OB that is available to help out. Jo or someone else," she pointed out.

"I'm afraid not Bella," Carina exhaled a sigh and walked over to her wife to press a kiss against her lips. "I have to go but I'll try not to be too long," she promised.

Maya nodded slightly as she yawned, "Okay. I'll see you later," she agreed as she kissed her wife back. "I love you," she added quietly.

Carina stood back and flashed a smile at her wife, "I love you too, Bella," she said as she picked up her purse. "See you later on," she added before she quickly left the bedroom, still attempting to stay as quiet as possible considering that Andy was currently asleep on the couch where she had been crashing for almost a week.

Maya tossed and turned in bed before she made the ultimate decision to get up and padded down the hallway to her daughter's bedroom. Opening the door, she was met with the sight of Maddie fast asleep in bed lying on top of her bed with Lizzie fast asleep by her, the older blonde sighed slightly and searched around her bedroom for the blanket which she tucked over her and kissed the top of her head before turning back around to exit the bedroom. Lizzie briefly woke up and looked at the older blonde before she put her head back down and continued to sleep.

Turning to walk out of the room, Maya caught a glance at the side of Maddie's bed and spotted a few stray photos, the blonde woman couldn't help but smile at the memories that were behind the photos. There was one photo in particular that Maya saw and had to hold back the laughter before she woke her daughter up.

"Quick, Mads!" Travis exclaimed as he ran towards the blonde teenager. "Grab the water gun and help me get the guys!" he told her.

Maddie shot up from her seat and grinned at the two men that were running towards Travis with buckets full of water, "I'm on it, uncle Trav–" she was cut off by Dean instantly picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. "Ahh no, uncle Dean! That's cheating!" she exclaimed as she giggled wildly.

Dean couldn't help but laugh as he darted toward the edge of the pool, "Sorry, shorty. I see an opportunity there and I have to take it," he told her amusedly as he turned to Jack. "Hey man, help a brother out?" he questioned as he motioned towards the teenager thrown over his shoulder.

"Oh of course man, let's go!" Jack exclaimed eagerly as the two men had Maddie between them lifted in the air, ready to throw her into the pool.

"Guys, be careful with my daughter!" Maya shouted over from where she sat chatting with Andy although she couldn't help but watch amused.

"Ahh, no!" Maddie squealed in protest as Jack and Dean both began to swing her in the air. "Guys, stop! You can't do this!" she continued to protest.

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