45. Fallout Of Events

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"What?" Vic asked in disbelief at what Sullivan had just said.

"Oh, boy!" Travis said as he drank his drink.

Andy turned her attention to her husband. "Robert, you need to leave!" she stated firmly.

"Andy, I-" Robert tried to talk to his wife.

Andy put her hand up in front to stop him talking. "No, Robert. Save whatever else you have to say, I don't want to hear it!" she said firmly.

"Andy, come on-" Robert continued to say.

"Robert, no. Just don't, I've already said I don't want to hear it!" Andy said harshly. Robert sighed and walked off to grab a drink.

Jack walks off and scratches the back of his neck. "Uh, I think that somebody needs to tell her," He said.

"No, you guys, we can't tell her today. It's her wedding day!" Vic insisted.

Andy sighed and shook her head, "Well, she's already going to find out Vic when she looks at her emails," she said as she looked over to her husband. "No thanks to my husband," she muttered.

"Wait, Sullivan did this?" Dean asked shocked as he walked over.

Andy nodded slowly as she took a long sip of the drink she had in her hand. "Yeah. No thanks to my delightful husband, Maya's job has been put on the line," she growled in frustration.

"So, uh we tell her?" Vic questioned.

"Yeah..." Andy agreed.

"And then what?" Jack questioned, unsure if this was the right thing to do especially on her wedding day.

"Well, we hope that doesn't lose her shit," Travis remarked.

Andy chuckled lightly, "Yeah, that's definitely gonna happen," she said sarcastically.

Maya and Carina danced on the floor of the restaurant; the two women swayed in time with the music as they stared at one another lovingly. "How do you feel, Mrs DeLuca-Bishop?" she asked as she smirked.

Maya smiled at her newlywed wife, "I really feel like the luckiest woman in the world right now, I don't want this moment to end..." she said as she continued to dance with her wife, "And I really love the new last name," she said.

"I feel the same way Bella," Carina said as she smiled.

"I'm just so happy, I have everything I have ever wanted," Maya told her wife as she leans in and kisses her wife, "I love you so much Car and I am so happy to be your wife," she said.

"I love you to Bella," Carina said as she smiled and kisses her wife back. "Shall we go find the Bambina and see what she is up to?" she questioned.

"Yes, although she is probably enjoying herself too much with everyone else..." Maya chuckled as she looked over to her daughter who sat amongst the firefighters and the two women walked over to them all. "Hey kiddo," she said to her daughter who was sitting next to Vic and Theo.

"Hey mom," Maddie said quietly.

Maya raised an eyebrow at her daughter confused, "What's the matter kiddo? Are you tired, do you want to go home," she wondered out loud.

"I'm okay," Maddie said quietly.

Carina noticed the looks on everyone's faces and knew something was wrong. "Is everything okay?" she questioned as she frowned.

Maya looked around and noticed all of her friends look upset, "Okay. Why do you all look so fed up?" she questioned.

"Maya..." Andy started to say.

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