10. PTSD

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A/N: So I did a thing where I edited the chapters and changed the story a bit, you might need to go back and re-read so it makes sense to carry on reading this....

"Sono qui per te," Carina spoke as she kissed Maya tentatively.

"I honestly don't have any idea what you just said." Maya said looking at her girlfriend and smiled. Carina laughed and continued to draw kisses down her girlfriends neck.

"It means that I am here for you Bella, I know today is going to be tough with everything that happened the other day, but I am here for you no matter what," Carina said. Maya smiled and kissed her.

"As much as I'm loving our intimate moment, I have to go and see if Maddie is okay, yesterday she kept herself in her bedroom, she didn't eat and I doubt that she even slept. I'm worried about her." Maya said as she climbed over her girlfriend and got up of the bed. "And what makes matters worse, I have to go in and face Dixon today." she said with a sigh.

"I know it is going to be tough Bella. Is Maddie going into school today?" Carina wondered.

"I don't know yet. It depends if she is better than yesterday," Maya said.

"Well I can drive you both in if you would like?" Carina offer girlfriend. Maya nodded in agreement.

"That would be great, thanks Car." Maya said, kissing her girlfriend on the lips before walking out of her bedroom and over the hall to the teenagers bedroom.

Knocking a couple of times, Maya pushed the door open slightly to find Maddie curled up on her bed.

"Hi sweetheart." Maya said, opening the door further and walking in to sit down on the teenagers bed. Maddie turned around to look at her biological mother and Maya noticed the tear stained cheeks, feeling her heart break all over again. "You okay?" she asked softly.

"I can't stop thinking about Pruitt." Maddie admitted clutching the older blonde's top and Maya felt bad realizing that this was affecting the teenager more than she thought it would. No thirteen year old needs to witness someone they were close to falling into a pit of flames.

"How about you take the day off school today? Come spend the day at the station." Maya offered. Maddie continued to clutch onto the older blonde's top. "You need to let go Mads. I need to go and get ready for work sweetheart," Maya said. Maddie refused to let go off her shirt.

"Don't leave me." Maddie mumbled while Maya sighed.

"Come on, lets go into my bedroom. You can sit with Carina while I get ready for work. How about that?" Maya said. Maddie nodded but refused to let go off Maya's top, so Maya gently moved to stand up while continuing to hold her.

"Everything okay?" Carina asked. Maya walked into her bedroom with Maddie in her arms and Carina was a little surprised considering yesterday she all but pushed the two of away, but understood somewhat when she saw how upset the teenage girl looked in her girlfriends arms.

"She won't let go of me. Can you sit with her?" Maya asked. Carina nodded and moved to stand up to take the teenage girl out of her girlfriends arms.

"Bambina, why don't you come and lay with me while Maya gets ready for work?" Carina said. Maddie whimpered as Carina took her into her arms and moved to sit back on the bed. Carina rocked the smaller girl to calm her down. Maya smiled appreciatively and went to get changed for work. "It's okay Bambina, it's going to be okay." Carina soothed the teenage girl.

"Pruitt's gone, he's really gone." Maddie whimpered in her arms.

"I know sweetheart, I know." Carina said with a sigh. Maddie was that exhausted from crying that she fell back to sleep and all that was heard were her soft snores. "She's fallen back to sleep," Carina whispered when Maya walked out of the bathroom.

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