11. Oh Mother Dearest

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"You would look really cute in that dress, you should try it on!" Sarah said as Maddie and herself walked through the mall and shopped in various shops. Maddie smiled and picked the floral dress-up from the rails.

"Oh yeah, it would go well with the leather jacket and the vans that I have," Maddie agreed as she walked over to the changing rooms to try the dress on.

"Well, how does it look?" Sarah asked curiously. Maddie pulled the curtain back and walked out as she twirled around to show the dress off. "Yep, I was totally right, it really does suit you!" she smiled.

"You just know me so well," Maddie smiled. "Thank god for Maya's credit card," she smirked.

"I still can't believe that she gave you it," Sarah chuckled.

"I know  I couldn't believe it myself," Maddie said as she walked back into the changing room to change back into her ripped skinny jeans and band t-shirt and then walked back out. "Oh hey, the station is having this spaghetti dinner thing later on today, Maya said I could invite you if you want to come?" Maddie asked.

"You had me at spaghetti!" Sarah said, "You know I think your sister might be starting to warm up to me if she willingly let you invite me," Sarah teased. "Sure, I will come, I just probably have to go home first to drop these bags off," she told her.

"Awesome, you will be able to meet Carina as well." Maddie said with a smile as she walked over to the cash register to pay for the dress, "Where to next?" she asked once she had paid and was handed the bag.

"How about food? I'm starving," Sarah said.

"You're always hungry!" Maddie couldn't help but laugh. "It's way too early for food yet, let's keep shopping!" Maddie grinned as they headed into another store.

Back at the station, Carina had stopped by the station to visit Maya and the blonde was ever-so-pleased to see her girlfriend as Carina led her into her office to make out.

"Oh, we have to stop," Maya said as she walked into the office with Carina and bumped the door shut behind them.

"Mm-hmm. We shouldn't be doing this at your work." Carina said as they continued to make out. Maya fell back into her desk.

"No. Mnh-mnh. We are on the taxpayers' dime right now." Maya said. Carina chuckled.

"And they are not paying you to make out with me," Carina added.

"Oh, we could reimburse them," Maya suggested.

"Okay," Carina agreed as a smile played on her face. The sharp knock on the door broke them apart and Maya inhaled sharply.

"Yeah?" Maya called out.

"Hi, Captain Bishop? Um, sorry to interrupt," Emmett said as he pushed the door open further, "Uh, your mom is here?" He stood to the side as Katherine, Maya's mother walked in.

"Mom," Maya said in complete surprise. Carina stood next to her with a smile on her face.

"Hi," Katherine said as she walked in and stood in front of the two women, "Surprise!" she chuckled. Emmett quickly closed the door behind him and that left the three women alone.

"Uh, what are you doing? You didn't... Wha... No warning. Uh, why?" Maya asked in shock.

"I thought it was finally time to see where my daughter works," Katherine cleared her throat, "Big Time Captain." she pointed out and then saw Carina.

"Hi," Carina politely said.

"Hi!  Are you one of Maya's firewomen?" Katherine wondered.

"No. I'm not a firefighter. I'm Dr Carina DeLuca." Carina told her.

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