54. Recovery

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"Good morning kiddo," Maya said as she walked through the front door of the apartment after she had returned from a run.

"Hi mom," Maddie yawned as Maya walked over and kissed the top of her head. "Ew gross mom, you're all sweaty!" she said as she scrunched her face up in disgust.

Maya laughed and walked over to make her usual smoothie. "How did you sleep?" she asked.

"Good," Maddie said as she could barely keep her eyes open. "I'm hungry, what's for breakfast?" she asked.

Carina walked into the kitchen and overheard the conversation. "How about I make my famous french toast?" she suggested.

"Yes! I haven't had that in such a long time!" Maddie exclaimed dramatically.

"It has been a while hasn't it," Maya said as she chuckled and continued to make her smoothie.

Carina smirked and looked between the two blondes. "Then it's about time that we have it again," she said.

"When do the two of you go back to work?" Maddie questioned as she sat at the table and munched on her french toast.

"In a couple of days Bambina," Carina told her.

Maya raised her eyebrow and smirked. "Why? Are you bored of us already," she teased.

"No, no, of course not," Maddie said while she shook her head. "It's been nice to spend time with you both," she said.

"It has been nice to not worry about work," Carina said in agreement.

Maya nodded in response. "Yes, I have to agree with you there. It's been nice to not see Beckett's face either, that man irritates me," she said.

"If I knew this was all that it would take for you to take the time off work then I would have run into a fire long before I did," Maddie said and couldn't help but grin cheekily at the two women sitting opposite her.

"Bambina," Carina stated unimpressed.

"Mads, that isn't funny," Maya interjected while she shook her head.

Maddie felt guilty and bit her lip. "I am only joking moms. I swear," she told them.

"Please don't joke about things like that," Carina said while she shook her head. "Your mom and I were very worried about you," she added.

"I know. I am sorry," Maddie was quick to apologise and then changed the topic. "Have you heard off uncle Mase?" she questioned as she pulled her phone out the pocket of her grey sweatpants. "He sent me a cute video of Toby, look," she said as she pressed play on the video and showed the two women.

"Awe, the Bambino is adorable," Carina said while she smiled.

Maya looked over to watch the video and smiled. "He sent me that video as well. I might be biased to say since he's my nephew, but the little guy is adorable," she said.

Maddie locked her phone and set it on the table. "He doesn't do much. All he does is sleep... Is that all babies do?" She asked confused.

"Pretty much Bambina," Carina said as she chuckled in agreement.

"I thought that he would be more lively than that," Maddie admitted.

Maya chuckled and shook her head. "He will eventually kiddo," she told her.

"I guess so," Maddie said as she nodded in agreement. "So, when are you two gonna have a baby?" she asked.

Maya who was drinking a bottle of water almost choked when she heard that statement.

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