43. Teenage Trouble

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"Maddie, can you take the garbage out please?" Maya asked her daughter from where she lay on the couch.

"Uh, yeah in a bit," Maddie mumbled as she didn't even look away from the TV, she wasn't feeling so great, and her stomach hurt but she hadn't said anything to her mom yet.

"Come on Mads, now please," Maya insisted as calmly as possible.

"What difference does it make whether I do it now or later?" Maddie groaned and looked over at Maya who looked impatient.

"Because I have asked you to do it now," Maya stated as she rested her hands on her hips. "I don't ask you to do things just for the sake of it Maddie!" she added.

"Chill out Mom. I will do it in a bit," Maddie repeated.

Maya shook her head and walked over to her daughter, taking the remote out of her hands. "Well until you do, you're not watching anymore TV." She told her thirteen-year-old.

"Seriously?" Maddie groaned in annoyance.

"Yes," Maya agreed with a curt nod. "After that, you can tidy your bedroom as well please, I went to put your clothes in the closet and I almost tripped over the pile of things on the floor," she told her unimpressed. "Didn't I tell you to tidy your room up last week?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"This is ridiculous!" Maddie said in annoyance, huffing as she stood up and walked into the kitchen to take out the garbage like she was asked.

"The sooner you do your chores then the sooner you can have the remote back," Maya stated simply before she went to continue with the housework. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" she questioned after Maddie had walked back in.

"I just want to watch TV," Maddie muttered to herself and walked into her bedroom to tidy it up. "This is literally going to take me forever," she called out to Maya who just laughed from the kitchen.

"You better get started on it then," Maya said.

Maddie huffed as she looked around her bedroom, a small smirk spread across her face as she had an idea. "She'll never know," she mumbled to herself.

Bending down to scoop up the pile of clothes, she shoved them inside her closet and shut the door, while the rest of her belongings that were on the floor was moved into draws and under the bed completely out of sight.

"That was fast," Maya said surprised as Maddie came back and plonked herself back on the couch.

"I know. Uh, so can I have the remote back now, please?" Maddie asked sweetly.

"Hmm," Maya said, she raised her eyebrow but walked over and handed her the control back as promised.

"Thanks," Maddie said happily as she curled up under the blanket again and pressed play on her favourite TV show she was watching.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" Maya said in disbelief, she had walked into Maddie's bedroom with a pile of clothes to put away in her closet and was shocked to find the clothes that were on her floor was now shoved into her wardrobe. "Madison!" she yelled, annoyed.

"Yeah?" Maddie called back from her spot on the couch.

"Get in here now, please!" Maya said, trying to remain calm as possible even though she knew her temper could get the best of her.

"Uh, what's up?" Maddie asked apprehensively as she stood in the doorway of her bedroom, she spotted her mom surrounded by the clothes that were in her closet and nervously laughed. "Oh, uh, yeah, about that..." she said.

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