50. Awake

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Carina gasped in shock as she saw the small movement coming from the teenage girl. "Oh mio Dio, our Bambina is waking up," she said happily.

"Yeah, she is," Maya grinned as Maddie slowly opened her eyes.

"This is fantastico. I'll go and find Bailey so they can remove the tube," Carina declared, standing up to head out of the ICU.

"Okay," Maya said in agreement.

"I won't be long Bella," Carina said, leaning over to her wife and kissing her briefly on the lips.

Maya hummed in agreement as her wife left to go find the chief, she smiled at her daughter as Maddie tried to talk but couldn't yet. "Woah, no, no, no, hold on kiddo. Mama's gone to find Bailey to take the tube out so just hold on princess," she told the teenager who looked panicked and slowly nodded.

"Bailey!" Carina called out in search for the chief who was stood with Dr Owen Hunt as they discussed something in depth.

"Hey Carina," Owen interjected, smiling at the Italian women.

"Hi Owen," Carina said politely to the fellow doctor.

"Carina, what's the matter?" Bailey said alarmed, instantly her mind was set to panic as she saw the look on the Italian's face.

"Si. Come quick, It's Maddie-" Carina exclaimed in a sudden rush.

"What, what is it, is she okay?" Bailey questioned with a frown.

Carina broke out a smile and nodded. "Si. Si. Maddie's awake!" she continued to exclaim.

"That's fantastic news Carina," Owen piped in.

Bailey's eyes lit up in surprise. "Oh, that's great news!" she said.

"Lo so!" Carina said happily.

"Okay, okay, then lets' go and see how she is!" Bailey announced. "We'll finish talking about this later Hunt," she told the attending.

"Of course. See you both later," Owen stated before heading towards the elevators.

"Alright. Let's go see how your daughter is," Bailey said before they headed back to the ICU room.

"Hold on princess, you won't have to wait too long I promise," Maya reassured her daughter who looked scared and worried, she had hold of her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze to try and keep her daughters' anxiety at bay. "I know you're scared kiddo and I'm here for you," she added.

"Hey, Maya," Bailey said as she walked into the room.

"Look who it is kiddo. See, I told you that you didn't have to wait too long," Maya said to her daughter before she looked back at the women. "Hey Bailey, look, she finally woke up!" she exclaimed.

Bailey smiled as she saw the teenage girl who was indeed awake and back at the blonde overly-protective mother, "I can see that. It's good news," she said looking back at Maddie. "Hey Maddie, it's good to see you are finally awake," she paused to see the thirteen-year-old giving the women a thumbs up and she chuckled, doing some brief checks to make sure things were on the right track.

"You can extubate her now right, Bailey?" Carina questioned.

Bailey finished checking over everything and nodded in the Italian's direction. "Okay, good news, we can extubate the tube from down Maddie's throat," she spoke.

"Great!" Maya cheered in victory and smiled at her wife who moved to sit back down beside her wife now.

"Let's remove this tube then hey?" Bailey asked Maddie who gave her another thumbs in response to her question.

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