82. Homophobic Slurs

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It had nearly been a whole month since Maddie had her therapy appointment, the initial doctor's appointment was booked and from there it was discovered that the teenager did in fact have bipolar.

To say that the girl was handling it well was a complete understatement. Not only was Maddie struggling at home, lashing out at every opportunity but it was at school too, she found herself not even caring about her lessons or anything at all.

This morning was just another day of the same outburst the couple had been dealing with for the past month and coping the best that they could.

"You're up early," Carina pointed out as she saw her wife walk through the door.

"I know. I wanted to get a run in this morning before work," Maya explained as she walked over to her wife and kissed her.

"Bella, you're all sweaty," Carina said as she scrunched her nose up slightly.

"Oh? But I thought you liked it when I was all worked up like this," Maya teased her wife.

"Go take a shower," Carina said amusedly.

Maya playfully gasped at her wife, "Is that your way of telling me that I stink?" she questioned.

"Only slightly," Carina said as she grinned.

Maya faked another gasp and clutched her hand over her heart, "Ouch. The truth hurts," she teased. "Do you care to join me?" she questioned as she wiggled her eyebrows seductively.

"I would but one of us has to make breakfast," Carina pointed out as she chuckled. "Go wake up the Bambina and take a shower. I'll get the coffee ready for us," she told her wife.

"Thank you, my love!" Maya said as she kissed her wife again before she made her way towards her daughter's bedroom to wake her up.

The blonde walked into the room and couldn't help but laugh at the position that she found her daughter asleep. One arm was hidden under the pillow while the other one rested across the top of it, while the duvet was practically thrown on the floor almost.

"Rise and shine, kiddo!" Maya called aloud.

Walking over to the window, she threw the curtains back to let some light inside of the room as the teenage girl stirred from her sleep.

"Too early. Want to go back to sleep," Maddie mumbled half-asleep.

"You can't do that or you'll be late for school," Maya pointed out.

"Don't care," The teenager mumbled.

"You don't care that you'll be late for school or you just don't care about school?" Maya questioned as she raised an eyebrow.

"Both of them. I don't care," Maddie told her as she still kept her eyes shut.

"You have no choice, Maddie. It's the law that you have to go to school," Maya told her daughter firmly.

Maddie opened eye of her eyes and groaned before she sat up in her bed, "Can't I just come to the station for the day instead?" she asked.

"Nope. You have to go to school," Maya stated.

"Why?" Maddie wondered.

"You're stalling," Maya pointed out amusedly.

"I don't want to go to school. I want to stay here in bed where it's warm," Maddie whined before she flopped back down on her bed.

"And I don't want to deal with my douche of a boss but we all have to do things that we don't want to do. So come on, up you get now," Maya smirked.

"God. You're so annoying sometimes I swear!" Maddie moaned.

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