66. Seattle Heatwave

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"Oh my God, It's hot. It is way too hot," Maddie mumbled aloud to herself as she stood in the doorway of the refrigerator in a poor attempt to cool down.

Currently, there was a heatwave in Seattle, temperatures were rising and no thanks to the broken A/C in the apartment, well, this was the result of it.

"Babe, don't forget to feed Lizzie before we go out-- Uh, what are you doing?" Sarah couldn't help but look confused when she walked into the kitchen to find her girlfriend.

Maddie turned around to see her girlfriend with an amused smile on her face, "Oh, this is my attempt to cool down," she explained.

Sarah couldn't help but laugh, "Oh yeah? How's that working out for you?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I gotta admit that it's not working out so great," Maddie mumbled as she reached in and grabbed 2 bottles of water out. "Bottle of water?" she offered.

"Thanks," Sarah accepted the bottle of water as Maddie shut the refrigerator door and walked over to the pantry to grab Lizzie's food out. "So, what's happening today again?" she wondered.

"Well, there's the push-in which is kind of a big deal I guess," Maddie shrugged her shoulders as she poured out Lizzie's puppy food into her bowl.

"What a day to choose, huh? It's so hot outside!" Sarah exclaimed as she cracked open the bottle of water and drank.

"Tell me about it. Ice cream sounds really good right now," Maddie mumbled as she walked back over to the pantry to put the puppy food back. "Ready to head out now?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go now," Sarah agreed as she made sure that she had her phone and anything else she needed. "If you want, we can always go and get ice cream later once we've been to the station," she offered.

"That sounds perfect," Maddie smiled as she watched as Lizzie bolted into the kitchen to eat her breakfast/early lunch. "You know, I'm surprised that with the speed she runs through, she hasn't run into the wall yet," she said amusedly.

Sarah laughed in agreement as they headed over to the front door, "I know, one of these days it is bound to happen," she said as she looked over at Lizzie. "See you later, Lizzie," she waved over to the puppy.

"Bye girl, see you when we're home! You're in charge," Maddie made a poor attempt of a joke as the two girls walked out of the apartment door. "I wish we could take her out but it's so hot that it would hurt her paws and that would be cruel," she noted.

"We can always take her to the park another day when it's cooler," Sarah told her as they walked over to the elevator and rode down to the main floor.

"I cannot deal with this heat," Maya complained as she walked into the barn and spotted Dean with his head in the bottom of the refrigerator. "Yeah, I'm not even going to ask," she added amusedly.

"Me neither," Travis piped in.

Jack slumped down into his chair with a bowl of cereal, "It's completely unbearable," he muttered.

"Agreed," Ben said.

"Yeah, and to think that the temperatures are stilling rising as well," Maya groaned and moved to walk over and sit at the table.

"So, how are things at home?" Ben questioned the blonde.

"If by that you mean that my wife isn't upset with me at all, it's fantastic. She was especially thrilled with the idea that I went to the bar for a daytime drink," Maya told him sarcastically.

Jack looked up and winced at the grumpy blonde, "So, still not great?" he wondered.

"Not even in the slightest," Maddie retorted.

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