32. Confessions

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"Why isn't she out yet? I mean surely she should be out by now, right?" Maya asked nervously as she bounced her leg up and down anxiously as they sat in the waiting room for an update.

"Relax Bella, it won't be too much longer now. Bailey is with her and she will be okay," Carina said as she placed a hand on her girlfriends' knee to comfort her.

"I know, I trust Bailey but it seems like she has been in there forever," Maya said with a sigh. "Oh god, what if something has happened?" Maya asked panicked. Carina suddenly had an idea.

"Maya, come with me," Carina motioned for Maya to follow her as she took a gentle hold of her girlfriend's hand so Maya didn't have much choice but to follow her girlfriend.

"The Chapel? We haven't been here in a while," Maya said confused.

"Lo so. I thought about when we came here when Andrea was stabbed, it helped me to think I guess. I thought that it might help you to do the same," Carina explained quietly, motioning for Maya to sit down. "I know the situation may not be the same but this place is peaceful and we can sit here for however long you need," She added.

"Okay," Maya agreed as she took hold of Carina's hand. "I-I just didn't think that you would want to come back here you know, after what happened to Andrea,"

"Si, it was tough at first but sometimes when I need to take a breather, I come here and... and I think of Andrea in some odd way," Carina admitted.

"I understand that," Maya said as she squeezed the Italian's hand gently. The two women sat in silence but remained to hold hands.

"Ah, I thought that I would find you both in here," Miranda said as she opened the door of the chapel. Maya was quick to bolt up from her seat as Carina stood up next to her to find out the news Bailey had. "You'll be pleased to know that Maddie is out of surgery now and in the PICU,"

"Can we see her?" Maya asked. Miranda frowned slightly and neither of the women missed the look. "What happened?"

"We were lucky enough to get to the OR just in time before her appendix ruptured but it seemed that Maddie reacted to the anaesthesia," Miranda explained.

"What?" Maya asked worriedly.

"But she's okay now though?" Carina questioned looking at her boss.

"Yes, we will need to keep her overnight for observation so we can keep an eye on any post-op infections that may occur. I can show her to her room now if you would like," Miranda offered.

"Yes please," Maya agreed. Miranda nodded and directed the women in the direction of the PICU where Maddie was lay in bed asleep with all different monitors and wires connected to her. 

"Oh poor Bambina," Carina said softly as she took a seat beside the bed. Maya moved to sit in the other chair as well and gently take hold of her daughter's hand.

"How long will it be until she wakes up?" Maya asked.

"It could be soon, it could be a while. The meds she has been given could keep her asleep for a couple of hours. It's only a matter of time," Miranda explained.

"You mentioned she would have to stay overnight? Can we stay with her?" Maya asked.

"Usually we don't allow parents to do that, however, under the circumstances, I will allow you both to do that," Miranda told them both.

"Thank you Chief," Carina said as she smiled appreciatively.

"Thank you," Maya said.

"You're welcome. I will leave you both here and I will come around in a bit to check on her when she's woken up," Miranda said before she exited the room.

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