8. Risking It

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It had been a few days since Maddie went to stay at the house boat with Dean, Vic and baby Pru. Maddie currently was in school in her least favourite class, History, but at least she got to see Sarah so she was happy about that since they hadn't seen each other much since the party.

"So, how is grounded life?" Sarah whispered as she leaned back in her chair so that their teacher didn't hear them talking.

"Well since I have my phone it is better, I mean the fact that my sister and her girlfriend went on Vacation without me kind of sucks, but I'm staying with some of the fire fighters and it's, well actually it's pretty exhausting." Maddie told her honestly.

"What do you mean?" Sarah furrowed her brow.

"Well Dean has a new baby so she just cries all of the time, I think I will be glad when I can have my own bed back." Maddie chuckled.

"If it gets too bad then I can always ask my mom if you can crash at ours for a couple of nights?" Sarah offered.

"As much as I would like that, I really doubt that my sister would agree with it, I mean she was pretty upset about me sneaking out, so she probably wouldn't be easily won over by me asking to stay with a friend." Maddie said with a sigh as there teacher, Mrs James, caught site of them talking and looked over to them both.

"Girls, please stop talking and concentrate on your work," Mrs James said getting their attention.

Maddie smiled sheepishly and looked back down to focus on her work while Sarah waited until the teacher wasn't looking at them, and then leaned back in her chair again to speak to Maddie.

"Is that what I am now? I'm just a friend," Sarah smirked at the blonde teenager.

"Well yeah I guess so, what would you call it?" Maddie shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I mean how many friends do you kiss?" Sarah teased. Maddie tried to hide her smile by biting her lip as she looked at the brunette.

"Only you," Maddie answered.

"I feel honored to hear that you don't make a habit of going around kissing your friends. I must be special," Sarah said playfully joking with her. "Meet me after school? We can talk more," she winked.

"I'm supposed to be grounded though, the last thing I want is my sister getting more mad with me," Maddie frowned.

"Oh come on what's your sister gonna do when she's still on Vacation," Sarah said. As much as Maddie didn't want to upset her sister further, Sarah did have a point since she was on Vacation so she couldn't do anything right now, and she could always make up an excuse of why she was back so late.

"That is true I guess," Maddie said and sighed in defeat, "Alright fine I'll meet you. Just text me a time and place," she said.

Maya and Carina were enjoying their break from work as they lay by the pool on the deckchairs with cocktails. After the first day, Maya had relaxed and taken a step-back from work for the time being.

"I feel like I don't want to ever leave this place," Maya said as she relaxed on the deckchair with a swimsuit and sunshades on. "I feel so relaxed," she added. Carina smiled as she lay beside her with a bikini on and sipped on a cocktail.

"It's the best feeling Bella. Have you heard from Maddie much since the other day when we spoke to her?" Carina wondered.

"No, not much other than when I texted her and asked if she was okay, and all I got as a reply was a bunch of different emojis." Maya rolled her eyes.

"Well at least she is still alive," Carina chuckled.

"Seriously though what is with teenagers just using those damn emojis to communicate. What is wrong with just using simple words instead," Maya said as she reached for her phone to show her girlfriend the latest text she had received from the teenager which was a pinching hand, yawn face and a love you hand gesture emoji. "Like what does that even mean?" she asked.

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