86. Deep Trouble...

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"Good morning beautiful," Maya smiled, leaning with her arm propped up as she waited for her wife to wake up.

"Did I fall asleep here?" Carina asked confused.

"Yeah, when I got back from the call out. I found you curled up in my bunk," Maya explained.

"My shifts over now if you want to get out of here and head home?" The blonde offered.

"I like the sound of that Bella," Carina agreed.

"I'll go and have a quick shower, and then we can head out. Maddie will probably call one of us at some point to pick her up," Maya noted.

"Okay, Bella," Carina agreed as she watched her wife flaunt out of the bunk and head to the showers.

"Uh, that was literally the worst night's sleep I have ever had," Taylor complained, cracking her neck each way.

"Same," Ella mumbled from where she sat beside her.

Maddie yawned and rubbed her eyes, shifting on the uncomfortable bed. If anything she managed to get at least an hour's sleep but the girls were right, it was awful.

"You guys slept?" Brie asked sarcastically.

"Meh. I've had worse. I mean you get used to it," Zak stated.

"Dude, you're only saying that because you've been here before," Aaron muttered.

"How much longer do you think that they'll keep us here?" Maddie wondered.

"I-I don't know," Aaron admitted, sighing.

Taylor threw her head back in frustration against the wall.

"This really does suck," The girl muttered.

"Yep. I'm definitely going to get into trouble with both of my moms for this," Maddie said as she ducked her head down.

"You'll be alright," Aaron smiled.

The teenager moved over from where he sat to come and sit beside the blonde teen as he took her hand in his own and squeezed gently.

"Gross. Will you two lovebirds quit it? It's too early for the mush," Brie complained.

"Shut up Brie," Aaron replied while he rolled his eyes.

All of a sudden, the two officers from last night appeared and unlocked the cells.

"You kids feel well rested today?" The dark-haired officer questioned.

"Somewhat rested on an uncomfortable bed as we can be," Taylor told them sarcastically.

The two officers chuckled between themselves.

"Alright, well we're gonna take you each to make your phone call now, so who wants to go first?" The mousey brown-haired officer asked.

"I'd rather wait until last. My Dad will be super pissed that I'm here again," Zak replied.

"Okay. How about you, kid?" The officer agreed and looked in Aarons's direction.

"Guess I'll go and call them. At least this way we'll see them," Aaron muttered.

Standing up, Aaron made his way out of the door and the officer followed him.

"What about you girls? Who wants to go and make the first call?" The dark-haired officer wondered.

"Uh... I'll leave it for a bit until my Dad goes to work," Ella replied.

"Same here. I'll wait," Taylor spoke in agreement.

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