78. Feelings

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"You look completely fed up, is the paperwork that boring?" Carina glanced to her side where the brunette neurosurgeon appeared beside her with a grin on her face.

Carina let out a huff and threw the tablet aside, "It's all tedious and I am in need of caffeine before I continue," she mumbled.

"Well, lucky for you, I come bearing the offer of grabbing a coffee from outside?" Amelia offered the taller woman.

"I accept the offer," Carina gave her friend a smile and they headed out towards the coffee stand.

"What's the problem?" Amelia questioned as they joined the back of the cue.

"What makes you think that there's something wrong?" Carina questioned as she turned to look at the woman.

Amelia couldn't help but chuckle, "You sound angry," she noted.

"If I was angry then I would be ranting in Italian, Amelia," Carina told her friend amusedly. "No, I am simply stating my dislike for tedious paperwork," she added.

"And there's something else on your mind, right?" The brunette pressed for an answer. "Tell me, what trouble has your daughter got herself into now?" she wondered.

"No trouble but I am just worried about her, and my wife... she has lost a friend and yet she's keeping it all bottled up," Carina confessed her feelings.

"It's normal to worry Carina. I can't begin to tell you how much I worry about Scout and I mean, I literally worry about anything and everything that could happen-- Okay, I'm getting slightly off-topic here. I thought Maddie was seeing a therapist?" Amelia questioned confused.

"She is but somehow it seems too easy for her to just agree and give in to go, I thought we would have to fight with her to get her there," Carina explained her worries.

"Two white americanos' please," Amelia shoved her hands in her pockets as she spoke to the man on the counter and ordered two coffees for them both, "Maybe she wants to get some help now, but hey I could try and talk to her if you want instead of the therapy sessions aren't going too well," she added.

"We don't get much out of her even when she has attended her therapy sessions so I can't see what harm it would do, maybe she will speak to you," Carina agreed with the brunette woman as they accepted their cups of coffee. "Maya's bringing her by the hospital later on so we can visit Vic but afterwards feel free," she told her.

"Alright just let me know and I'll be there. I wouldn't miss the opportunity to hang out with the troublemaker," Amelia stated amusedly as they headed back into the hospital.

"I don't think she would mind hanging out with you either," Carina told the woman in agreement.

"Do you want to hang out now that school's finished?" Ella questioned her blonde best friend as they stood in front of their lockers at the end of the day.

Maddie finished stuffing her books into her backpack and slung it over her shoulder, "Can't today, I'm still grounded for another week and I have a therapy session to attend, unfortunately," she told her.

"Okay well, there's always another day, right?" Ella said as she shoved her backpack over her shoulder and slammed her locker shut.

Maddie let out a huff in annoyance and slammed her own locker door shut, "I just wish that I didn't have to attend these therapy sessions, they're so boring and all my therapist wants to do is talk about stupid, dumb feelings," she told her friend as they started to walk out of school. "I mean my uncle died, my aunt has been injured and oh, my ex-girlfriend left me due to her mother's homophobic comments and feelings about our relationship. What else is there to talk about?" she ranted.

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