30. Back To Italy

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"Maddie, come on or I am going to be late," Maya grumbled as she drank her first cup of coffee for the day while waiting on her teenage daughter who wasn't quite ready yet as per usual.

"I'm here. Calm down Mom," Maddie said as she came out with her backpack. Carina had been called in for an emergency c-section at 6 o'clock this morning so when Maddie woke up, she wasn't there like normal although she was meant to head to the station to help with the drive-thru Covid testing today.

"Every time I tell you to be ready, you never are. Why is it I'm always waiting on you? I cannot be late, I'm the captain." Maya said.

"I know Mom, you literally always tell me the same thing every time," Maddie said while Maya was practically pushing her daughter of the apartment to avoid being any later.

"And yet you still continue to have me wait for you every time," Maya remarked as they walked outside to where Maya's car was parked. Maddie couldn't help but roll her eyes as she hopped in the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt in. "I saw that," Maya pointed out.

"Have you spoken to Mason at all?" Maddie asked completely changing the topic.

"Oh yeah, we've texted a little bit. We're meeting up soon to talk," Maya said.

"Oh cool. Can I come?" Maddie asked.

"Ah, no it's probably not best. There's some stuff we need to talk about that you don't need to hear." Maya said. Maddie pouted, "You can see uncle Mase another day," Maya said.

"Alright," Maddie said with a huff. "So when's Mama coming to the station?" Maddie asked.

"I imagine it will be once she has finished with the emergency c-section that she had this morning," Maya told her thirteen-year-old as she focused on driving. "Why do you ask? Do you prefer to hang out with her instead of me?" Maya teased.

"Well, sometimes yeah," Maddie smirked and Maya looked at her mini-me offended. "I'm only kidding... I just haven't seen Mama yet as she is usually there when I wake up," Maddie said.

"I know but don't worry you can see her later on," Maya reassured Maddie, it was a pretty special bond that the two shared and Maya absolutely loved that. "I was about to say... I'm a cool Mom," Maya insisted as they arrived at the station.

"I wouldn't say that. I mean sometimes you can be lame," Maddie said. Maya raised her eyebrow at her daughter, "Okay out of you and Mama, she lets me get away with a lot more!" Maddie said.

"Oh, like what?" Maya asked out of curiosity.

"Breakfast Candy," Maddie said shrugging her shoulders a little. "Besides, Mama doesn't have a hot head as such," She added. Maya shook her head in disagreement as she parked her car out the front of the station. Maya chuckled.

"Your Mama does have a temper, she just rants in Italian so we don't understand," Maya said.

"Yeah... but it's not as bad as your's is Mom," Maddie giggled.

"That's not true. I can be calm about things... I am a cool mom, you don't even have a bedtime!" Maya said in defence as she opened her door and climbed out of the car. Maddie snickered as she climbed out of her seat and slammed the door shut.

"If you say so Mom if you say so," Maddie cheekily said as she walked into the reception to find Vic and Dean in the middle of talking about something.

"Hey, Mini Bishop!" Dean cheered as he high-fived the teenage girl, "Mornin' Cap." Dean said as he acknowledged Maya behind her.

"Hey, squirt!" Vic said while she gave the teenager a side hug,

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