40. Confrontation

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"Morning, sleepyhead." Maya smiled, standing in the doorway of the bunk area of her office with a mug of coffee in hand.

Maddie lay with her head on the pillow, one eye peered open as she looked at her Mom. "Ugh. What time is it?" She asked.

Maya let out a laugh and checked the time on her watch, "Around 8:30 now. You want to get up and get some breakfast before we head out to the protest?" She questioned.

"Too tired," Maddie mumbled, remaining still lay down on the bed.

"That's why you don't stay up so late," Maya chuckled. "Come on, I'll make you some breakfast." She said.

"Alright," Maddie said, slowly sitting up on the bed and letting out a yawn.

"Oh, I spoke to Uncle Dean early on this morning because I couldn't sleep and it seems that my mind has been persuaded, we're having a firehouse wedding," Maya told her daughter with a smile.

"Awesome! Now all you've gotta do is convince Mama to go along with that." Maddie smirked.

"I know. Easier said than done hey kiddo," Maya chuckled. "Come on, let's go join the team upstairs for breakfast,"

Maddie hopped off the bed and followed her mom upstairs where all the team were gathered around the beanery, eating breakfast and engaging in conversation.

"Looks who's finally awake," Dean said, noticing the teenager appear beside Maya. "Hey shorty," He smiled.

"It's too early for the height jokes," Maddie muttered, moving to sit down at the table with all the firefighters.

"I'm not surprised you're tired Mija. You were awake at 3 am when we got back from the call out," Andy pointed out as she stood resting against the cupboards, sipping on a mug of coffee.

"Yeah, I am regretting that now," Maddie mumbled.

"What do you for breakfast, kiddo?" Maya questioned.

"Waffles," Maddie mumbled, her head leaning on her elbow as her eyes drooped shut.

"I think somebody's still tired Captain," Ben chuckled.

"I think so. Maybe I should have let her sleep a bit longer," Maya said in agreement as she pulled out the waffles from the cupboard and put them in the toaster.

"Hey, Mads, can you pass us over those boxes please kiddo?" Maya called over to her daughter to get her attention away from her phone. The team were setting up a tent for the civilians, with the medic supplies that they would need.

Maddie looked up from her phone and turned her attention to her Mom. "Huh, what?" She asked.

"I asked if you could pass us the boxes that are behind you," Maya repeated while she pointed to the boxes.

"Oh yeah, sure," Maddie said, putting her phone aside to pick up the boxes and hand over to her mom before she turned her attention to her phone again.

Andy walked over to the two blondes, "Okay I think everything's ready and set up for the protesters if they need to seek medical attention," she stated.

"Sounds good. The protest is due to start soon anyways," Maya smiled.

Andy couldn't help but notice that the teenager hadn't glanced up from her phone yet, "What's got you so glued to your phone, Mija?" she questioned.

"Nothing Tia. I'm just texting Sarah to let her know where we are since she's on her way to meet me here," Maddie explained, looking up from her phone.

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