6. Grounded

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Maddie woke up the following morning after the party with a horrible pounding headache, still wearing yesterdays clothes and she was lay on top of her duvet. Overall Maddie was feeling pretty terrible but she couldn't forget the kiss that she shared with Sarah.

All of a sudden there was a wave of nausea that hit Maddie and she bolted up from her bed and ran into the bathroom across the hall. Carina and Maya were in the kitchen, they both heard Maddie puking. Maya was still mad with the teenager and wanted to leave her to wallow in self pity, however Carina rushed in to hold the blonde teenagers hair back while she continued to throw up.

"Oh bambina just let it all out and you'll feel better," Carina said with a sigh, feeling sympathetic for the girl, "Maya can you pass me some water please?" Carina called out which made Maddie's head hurt even more.

Maya was in the kitchen making a smoothie when Carina called out. Moving over to the fridge, she grabbed a bottle of water out and then grabbed some pain meds out of the kitchen draw which she knew that Maddie would need as well.

"I thought that you would need both of these," Maya said. Carina took her hands away to accept the items from her girlfriend.

"Grazie Bella," Carina said. Maddie finally stopped throwing up and Carina handed her the bottle of water and pills, "Here bambina, take the medicine and it will help," Carina said. Maddie unscrewed the cap off the bottle before popping the meds into her mouth and chased them down with water.

"Take a shower and then get dressed. We need to talk about last night," Maya said, she was going for the more of the stern approach as she walked out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen. Carina made sure Maddie was okay before she left Maddie alone in the bathroom to join Maya in the kitchen. Maya caught site of Carina looking at her.

"You think I'm being too hard on her? Honestly you should have seen the state that she was in last night when she returned home, she was stumbling all over the apartment. I'm not surprised she is throwing up with how much she must have drank," Maya said.

"No, I just think you need to try and remain calm Bella," Carina said.

"I will try my hardest but no promises. I'm so angry still that she went to the party even after I told her no several times," Maya said as she pressed her knuckles down against the surface. "I don't hear the shower running, Madison!" Maya called out as she didn't hear any noise coming from the bathroom. Carina winced when Maya raised her voice, not liking it even when it wasn't directed at her.

"If I didn't have to go to work then I would stay with you," Carina said, moving to plant a kiss on her girlfriends lips, "Speaking of which I have to leave now so if you need me then call me and no matter what I will try to answer unless I'm in surgery," Carina said.

"I love you," Maya said.

"I love you too," Carina replied. Maya snuck in another kiss before Carina pulled away incase it got too heated. Carina threw Maya a wink before walking out of her girlfriends apartment.

Maddie was hunched over to the toilet seat trying not to throw up again and gain the energy to stand up to turn the shower on. Eventually once she did, she stripped out of her clothes from yesterday and stepped into the shower to let the scalding heat wake her up but the feeling of nausea remained.

"Uh you wanted to talk?" Maddie asked, walking into the kitchen dressed in grey sweatpants and a loose white top with her hair in a messy bun. Maya was leaned up against the kitchen island as she was checking her emails on her laptop. Maddie noticed that it only seemed to be Maya in the apartment, "Where's Carina?" Maddie asked. Carina had a more gentle approach while Maya just seemed to be pissed off with her.

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