70. Sneaking Out, Again!

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"Kiddo, time to eat dinner!" Maya called out from the kitchen as she finished plating up dinner for the two of them, since Carina was working at the hospital until late, it was just the two blondes.

"Alright, coming!" Maddie shouted out in response as she paused the video game that she was playing and walked out of her bedroom. "Where's mama?" she questioned as she moved to sit at the table.

"Mama is working late tonight, so it's just you and me, Mads. Just like old the old times," Maya explained as she set a plate of dinner in front of Maya. "And I even cooked dinner for us," she said.

"Oh, is that what that burning smell is?" Maddie mumbled as she looked at Maya and smirked. "It looks... delicious," she said as she glanced down at the dinner plate with a scrunched face.

It was definite that Maddie preferred when Carina cooked over Maya. It didn't happen often, and when it did, she always pleaded for takeout.

Tonight, was apparently different.

"Ha, you're hilarious kiddo," Maya deadpanned as she sat down and joined her daughter at the table. "I know I'm not as good as a cook as your mama but just eat it, please?" she silently pleaded with her daughter.

"Not even close," Maddie mumbled to herself as she looked down at the food disgusting. "I'm pretty sure that even the food in jail probably tastes better," she humoured.

"Oh yeah, how would you know that? You ain't been to jail," Maya remarked amusedly.

Maddie picked up her fork and started to pick at her dinner, "I don't need to go to jail when I watch all the prison TV shows. You gotta admit that the food looks better, right?" she grinned at the blonde woman.

"You know kiddo, you are really trying to test my patience right now. Just eat your dinner and be grateful," Maya pointed her finger in her daughter's direction. "There's a lot of kids out there that would be grateful for this kind of dinner," she told her.

"I don't know about that," Maddie muttered as she chewed harshly on the sausages on her plate.

Maya shook her head in disbelief and ate her own dinner, "So, what's going on with you? I know I have worked a lot this week, anything new and exciting happening at school?" she wondered.

"Nope. Just the same old boring crap," Maddie remarked as she continued to chew on the burnt dinner. "Been hanging out with Ella, going to class and not getting into trouble just like you and mama told me to," she added.

"Maddie," The older blonde scolded her daughter.

"What? Crap isn't even a proper cuss word, mom!" Maddie stated as she shrugged her shoulders carelessly.

Maya sighed and shook her head, "Enough of the attitude, Maddie! I have had it up to here with it," she said as she held her hand up in gesture. "Can we not just sit down and eat without an argument?" she said trying to keep her temper in check.

"Yep, sure, whatever," Maddie said as she rolled her eyes.

"You know what," Maya was quick to lose her patience and dropped her fork down on her plate. "I have had enough of this whole act of rebellion and attitude that you have going on, it needs to stop!" she told her daughter firmly who looked like she didn't even care about what she said. "Just go to your room, I don't want to see you for the rest of the night!" she shouted out at her daughter.

"Happily," Maddie remarked as she shoved her back from under the table and stormed off to her bedroom leaving Maya to wonder what the hell that was even about.

Maya shook her head and continued to eat dinner, even if she did admit to herself that the dinner tasted awful and she really did appreciate it when her wife cooked.

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