72. The Calm Before The Storm

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"Mom! I can't find my hoodie," Maddie exclaimed as she routed through her clothes in her closet, creating a mountain in the middle of her bedroom. "Have you seen it at all?" she questioned.

Maya walked into her daughter's bedroom and was ultimately taken back by the overall state of the teenagers' bedroom, "Gee, I wonder why? Maybe if you put things away when we ask you then you wouldn't have this problem and you'd be able to find it," she remarked as she sighed. "You were told to clean your room the other day, why wasn't it done?" she asked.

"It was done and then I needed to look for something," Maddie mumbled as she moved over her chest of drawers and knelt down as she scoured through them. "So, have you seen it or not?" she asked impatiently.

"Attitude," Maya warned her daughter with a pointed look. "Check the basket of laundry, kiddo. It might be in there," she told her as she gestured to the basket of freshly washed laundry that Carina had recently done.

Maddie left the chest of drawers still open and stood up, walking into the lounge and routing them through the basket of washing, "Found it, thanks, Mom!" she called aloud and threw it over her white t-shirt.

"When you're home later on then you can tidy up your bedroom. I'm sick of asking you to do it," Maya told her daughter firmly as she shook her head.

"I told you already, I did tidy it and then things happened," Maddie muttered as she rolled her eyes and picked up her converses to put on. "Are you and mama both workin' today?" she asked.

"I have a twenty-four-hour shift and Mama's gonna stop by the station to meet up with Jack but she'll be home later," Maya explained as she walked over to the pantry and grabbed out Lizzie's food, placing a healthy amount in her bowl as the hungry pup instantly ran towards it to eat. "Remember, you're grounded so home straight after school, alright?" she reminded her.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could come to the station after school," Maddie wondered as she finished tying up her laces. "I'll be alone otherwise," she added.

"I don't suppose that would be a problem but you're still not gonna be let off easy," Maya told her daughter firmly.

Maddie couldn't help but smirk, "And here I thought you were gonna let me off the hook being grounded another 2 weeks," she stated.

"Yeah, nice try, that's not happenin' when you haven't exactly been the perfect child," Maya said sarcastically as she shook her head in disagreement.

"I don't know what you're talkin' about. I'm practically an angel," Maddie couldn't help but grin as she picked her backpack up.

"Yeah? Must have devil horns around that halo then kiddo," Maya said as she chuckled amusedly. "2 weeks grounding still stands. It's not up for discussion, Mads," she stated.

Maddie inwardly groaned and she threw her backpack over her shoulder, "Can I at least have my phone back? You know, just in case there's an emergency or somethin' and I can't get hold of either you or mama," she said.

"No. I'm sure if somethin' happens at school then they'll get in contact with either me or mama themselves," Maya told her daughter, she couldn't help but be amused that her daughter was trying to worm her way out of it all. "Better get off to school or you'll be late kiddo," she told her as she checked the time on the clock.

Maddie let out a huff and headed over to the front door, "Yeah, whatever, see you later," she said.

Maya followed her daughter over to the front door and pressed a kiss on the top of her head, "Don't get into any trouble," she warned.

"Can't make any promises," Maddie couldn't help but smirk. "Bye, love you, mom!" she waved as she opened the front door and walked out.

"Love you too kiddo," Maya said as she smiled and watched her daughter walk towards the elevator. "Teenagers' are something else," she mumbled to herself as she shut the door and walked back inside the apartment.

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