81. The Truth Hurts

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"No," Maddie denied as she shifted in her seat with her arms firmly crossed. "I--I don't have bipolar. That's what my uncle had, he-- he died because of it. He made irrational mistakes that cost him his life, and he died. I'm not like that!" The younger girl protested.

Dr Lucas didn't look convinced about that, "What about when you run into the building that was on fire?" she questioned.

"There was a reason. I... I saved a little girl, she would have died otherwise!" Maddie continued to protest.

Dr Lucas briefly looked down at her notes before she looked at the teenager, "Going from what you have told me, you're showing tell-tale signs of both depression and mania combined," she told her.

"What? I'm not depressed!" Maddie exclaimed upset.

The woman in front of her pursed her lips together, "You're showing clear signs of both," she explained.

Maddie looked at Dr Lucas and scowled at her slightly, "You don't know that, you can't diagnose that! You're not a doctor!" she declared.

"You're right, I'm not a doctor," Dr Lucas was quick to agree. "However, all the signs you are showing all point towards that," she explained carefully.

"I--I don't have it, I don't!" Maddie exclaimed as she began to feel annoyed.

"It's okay to be in denial, Maddie. I know it can be hard to understand but there are different ways you can get help with this," Dr Lucas explained to her with a kind smile.

Maddie let out a huff and slumped down into her chair, "Can we be done? I don't want to be here anymore," she stated.

"I know this can be hard to hear but once you accept it, you'll feel better," Dr Lucas told her.

Maddie exhaled a sigh and crossed her arms, "So it turns out that I am actually broken, huh?" she questioned sarcastically.

"You're not broken, Maddie... You're just sick," Dr Lucas told her.

Maddie shifted in her seat and avoided the look of the doctor, there wasn't any way that she had bipolar, it just wasn't possible.

"Can I go now?" The blonde questioned.

"Sure, but I would like to be able to talk to your Mom before you both leave," Dr Lucas told her.

"Alright," Maddie said as she exhaled a sigh and headed out the door to meet Maya who was now sitting back on the seat after her chat with Amelia.

"Hey," Maya greeted her daughter as she walked out of the room, taking note of the therapist next to her daughter. "How'd it go in there?" she wondered curiously.

"Fine," The younger blonde responded with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Hi, Maya. I was wondering if I could have a word with you?" Dr Lucas questioned.

"Sure," Maya agreed as she looked back at her daughter. "Will you be okay out here?" she questioned.

"Yeah," Maddie mumbled quietly and sat down on the seat, instantly turning her attention to her iPhone in her pocket.

"I'll be back out soon," Maya told her daughter before she headed into the room her daughter was previously in with the therapist.

"This won't take too long Maya," Dr Lucas stated.

Maya nodded slightly. "So, is everything okay? Can you help her? What can I-- What can we do?" she rambled her words.

"Maya, I'm concerned that your daughter is showing signs of bipolar," Dr Lucas told her as she watched the worried expression increase on the blonde's face.

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