42. Reconnected

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"Good morning, Mom!" Maddie cheerfully said as she skipped out of her bedroom and was surprised to find both her aunties on the couch. "Oh, hi Aunties!" She exclaimed loudly.

"Morning kiddo," Maya smiled from where she sat on the chair as she scrolled through her phone. "You certainly seem in a better mood this morning," she noticed the chirpiness of her daughter compared to yesterday.

Andy groaned from where she was lay with her face planted in the couch, "Ugh. Way too loud!" She stated as she held her hands over her ears.

"Too bright," Vic said as she was slouched on the couch as the sunlight peered through the curtains which caused the firefighter to wince. "Why is it so bright?" she asked.

Maddie couldn't help but laugh, "How's the hangover, aunties?" she asked.

Vic sat up on the couch with her hands over her face, "God, I really regret those shots now." She stated.

"I feel terrible," Andy mumbled as she instantly regretted drinking the previous night.

"That's what you get for drinking," Maddie couldn't help but smirk.

Vic groaned again, "Maya, how do I turn the volume down on your kid?" she questioned.

Maya couldn't help but laugh. "Come on Mads, leave both of them alone," she said.

"Ah no fun," Maddie said with a pout on her face.

"Alright, I'm gonna make a pot of coffee," Maya said, standing up and heading over into the kitchen.

"Yes please!" Andy shouted and instantly regretted it as she winced.

Maddie walked over to the front door of the apartment and shoved her denim jacket on. "Okay, I'm going out. Well bye!" she said.

"Woah, woah, slow down," Maya said as she rushed out of the kitchen and over to the front door. "Where are you off?" she questioned confused.

"Oh, well I thought that I would go for a run," Maddie couldn't help but say sarcastically.

"Funny Mads. You don't run, not even when I asked you if you would join me." Maya said as she raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Seriously though, where are you going?" she asked.

"Alright, I am going to meet up with Sarah to talk," Maddie told her.

"Way to go Mija!" Andy called over from the couch and then winced. "Ow, my head!" she added.

"Oh, do you think the two of you will meet up?" Maya wondered.

Maddie couldn't help but shrug her shoulders. "I don't know. It's going to be difficult if we do," she said quietly.

"Hey, anything is possible!" Andy insisted from her spot on the couch.

"Why are you talking so loud? God, my head hurts." Vic muttered as she kept her head in her hands.

Andy couldn't help but laugh. "Quit being so dramatic, Vic." She said.

"Well, I hope that you do make up," Maya told her daughter.

"Why?" Maddie questioned.

"Well, you won't be so moody then," Maya said with a grin on her face.

"Seriously Mom?" Maddie asked.

Maya nodded, "Yeah, I love you kid but you're so cranky when you're not with Sarah," she told the teenager.

Maddie couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Thanks... Anyways, I gotta go. See you all later!" she called out as she opened the apartment door.

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