56. Show Some Respect

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"We're home!" Maya called out as the married couple walked through the front door hand-in-hand to spot the teenager and two women who were engrossed in a film. No doubt Marvel.

Maddie whipped her around to look over at the two women and smiled. "Hey, mom! Hey, mama!" she greeted them both while the two brunette's sat on the couch waved in their direction.

Carina took her coat off and placed it on a hook while Maya walked into the lounge. "Hello, Bambina!" she smiled warmly at their teenage daughter.

"Glad to see you two have finally made up," Maddie commented as she grinned.

Amelia nodded in agreement. "At least you won't be so cranky at work now Carina," She pointed out.

Carina couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Amelia, I wasn't that bad..." she stated.

"Yeah? Tell that to the intern that you had in tears in the ER," Amelia said and she couldn't help but smirk.

"Oh, dios Mio. He couldn't even find the vein!" Carina cried out as she remembered the incompetent intern she had to deal with earlier in the day when she came down to the ER for a fellow pregnant mama and found said intern not able to do their job properly.

Maya couldn't help but look horrified at her wife, she had no idea their argument made that much of an impact on the women but then she knew the Italian had a rage when upset. "Honey, you made an intern cry?" she questioned.

"I didn't mean to," Carina said as she smiled sheepishly.

Maddie couldn't help but laugh at the thought of another crying over the rage from her mama, she thought that was hilarious. "Alright, but seriously you two? Was you that worried? You didn't have to send Tia Andy and Amelia around to watch over me," she stated annoyance evident in her voice.

"Hey! I thought we had fun Mija," Andy said as she playfully gasped.

"Yeah we did," Maddie giggled and rolled her eyes. "But you know I'll be fourteen in a month! I don't need a babysitter," she pointed out.

"We was just worried about you Mads," Maya told her daughter. "You might be turning fourteen next month but you'll always be my baby girl and I will always worry about you," she stated.

"God mom that is so embarrassing," Maddie cringed at the softness her mother currently showing, after all the blonde was usually so firm.

Maya laughed and ruffled her daughters hair. "That's our job as your moms," she said.

"Your mom's right Bambina. We was worried about you," Carina insisted.

Maddie let out a huff and rolled her eyes at the two women's overprotectiveness. "Alright, well for your information... I was totally fine today," she insisted.

"What did you do today anyways?" Maya wondered. "Don't tell me you watched Marvel movies again," she added.

"What, no..." Maddie tried to deny but the TV gave it away seeing as the movie they was currently watching was paused, and Iron Man was in the frame.

Maya furrowed her eyebrow and smirked. "Oh, really? Then why Iron Man is on the TV screen currently then," she teased.

Maddie let out a groan when she realized her mistake. "Fine, Tia Andy and Amelia have never watched it before. I had to show them!" she insisted.

"Yeah I gotta say I didn't understand what all the fuss was about with these movies. I mean Bailey likes all the superheros but now I have to admit that they're actually pretty good to watch," Amelia told them all.

Maddie looked at the brunette woman and grinned. "So, does that mean you'll watch more with me?" she asked.

Amelia chuckled as she stood up. "Another time kid. I have gotta get home to Scout now," she said as she realized what the time was.

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