22. The Aftermath!

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"You doin' alright, kid?" Jack asked as he walked outside to find Maddie sat outside on the steps. He knelt down beside her as she stared out in front of her, he noticed the bandages on her arms, "How're the burns?" He asked.

"I've had worse... My grandpa hurt me, broke my arm so I can deal with some slight burns," Maddie said with a simple shrug of her shoulders.

It was 2 am in the morning and they were all down at PD waiting for Dean and Sullivan to be released after they had left the hospital. Maddie was adamant that she wanted to come to the station with her mom after they had left the hospital. Maya wanted to object but it was really the only ideal choice considering she didn't know how long she would be and she didn't want Maddie to be at home on her own, there was the restraining order against Jake still but she didn't want to risk it at all. Besides, Maya knew her daughter really did love all of them.

"You're one brave kid," Jack chuckled, he didn't know what else to say about the subject, he knew Maddie had a difficult childhood but he didn't want to press her into saying anything further if she didn't want to talk about it.

"I guess so," Maddie mumbled as she picked at the nail polish on her fingers, "So, how long do you think it will be until Dean and Sully get released?" Maddie asked.

"I really don't know kid, hopefully, your mom's input as Captain will help," Jack said.

"It isn't fair that it happened to them, none of it was fair what happened," Maddie said as moved to bring her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them.

"I know it isn't. None of it was fair what happened," Jack agreed. "How about you come inside? It's cold out here, you don't want to catch a chill," Jack said.

"Since when did you care so much?" Maddie asked while she smirked.

"Hey, I'm your uncle... it's what I do," Jack chuckled as he ruffled her hair playfully, "And besides your mom would kill me if I let you stay out here and get sick. Come on squirt," Jack said. Maddie groaned as she got up and headed inside with him to join the team.

"Hey trouble," Vic said as she gestured Maddie to come near where she was sat.

"Hey Vic," Maddie said as she let out a small yawn and sat down on the empty chair.

"You okay? You look totally wiped," Vic asked. Maddie couldn't help but nod in agreement, after what had happened earlier in the day, she felt exhausted suddenly but she wanted to stay awake for the sake of her mom coming out from PD.

"Yeah. I am pretty tired," Maddie mumbled.

"Why don't you try and get some sleep? It's been a long day," Vic suggested to the teenager.

"Nuh-uh, I wanna wait for my mom to come out," Maddie said.

"Kid, you look like you could fall asleep any minute, just rest for a little bit at least. Once your mom's back, I'll wake you up, okay?" Vic asked. Maddie nodded as Vic moved her arms to allow Maddie to lean against her as she felt her eyes slowly close and drift off to sleep.

Maya walked out after having a long difficult conversation with PD, exhaled a loud sigh as she walked over to Vic, Travis and Jack who were quietly surrounded while watching a video on Jack's phone by the looks of it.

"Hey," Maya spoke quietly as she walked over to her team, noticing that Maddie was fast asleep beside Vic, she was curled up in an uncomfortable position that Maya knew would leave her daughter with a sore neck.

"Hey, any update when Miller and Sullivan will be released?" Travis asked.

"No, nothing yet but I'm not going to give up until they are out. What are you guys all watching?" Maya wondered.

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