12. Sick Day

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Maya walked into her apartment after her long twenty-four shift to find Maddie hunched over the toilet as she puked up the entire contents of what she had eaten. Things were still pretty tense between the mother & daughter duo, but that didn't stop Maya from running in straight away to take care of her.

"Are you alright? Did you eat something bad or something," Maya asked as she held her daughter's hair back. Maddie tried to shrug her away but Maya continued to be there for her.

"I don't know, I just don't feel good," Maddie said weakly as she hugged the toilet bowl.

Maya couldn't help but cringe, she had never been one to good with sickness, and this was especially the last thing that she wanted after she had just gotten off a long shift, but even though her daughter didn't want anything to do with her right now, she would still be there to take care of her. 

Ever since finding out yesterday, Maddie kept herself hidden away in her bedroom to avoid the older women. Maya felt heartbroken by it, but she understood that the girl probably felt confused and needed space. 

Today was meant to be her & Carina's day off, so they had both planned it to spend time together and have sex all over the apartment. Obviously, now her plans would need to be changed, it wouldn't be appropriate to have sex everywhere, the last thing she wanted was her daughter to be scarred as well.

"Uh okay, right why don't you go back to bed. I don't think you should probably go to school today Mads," Maya told her, cringing again as Maddie started to throw up again.

Maddie wanted to object, if she went to school then she would be out of the apartment and could continue to avoid Maya, but she felt so weak that she could barely even get up off the floor, there wasn't any energy after she had basically threw up her entire insides.

"Alright." Maddie begrudgingly agreed, she tried to get up off the floor but she could barely even move, her whole body hurt so much.

"Do you need some help?" Maya asked hastily as she placed her hand on her shoulder.

"I got it," Maddie shook her head and shrugged her biological mother's hand off her shoulder. Trying to get up from the floor still, she had no luck and slumped back down.

"Okay look, I know that you can't stand to be in the same room as me now but you're my daughter whether you like it or not and you're sick so just let me help you please," Maya pleaded with her daughter.

"Fine," Maddie said as she exhaled a sigh. Maya leant down to pick her daughter up off the floor and easily carried her back into her bedroom, despite the teenager's protests. "This doesn't mean that I forgive you yet," Maddie mumbled.

"I know that kiddo. I just want to help you, I'm not a monster like you think I am," Maya said as she tucked her daughter into bed. "I'm going to go and call your school to let them know you won't be in, just stay in bed and shout to me if you need anything," Maya said, she went to kiss the top of her head but she didn't think that would be a good idea right now so she just exited the bedroom.

"Ciao," Carina smiled brightly as she walked into her girlfriends' apartment.

"Hey," Maya said with a sigh. Carina frowned when she saw the stressed and worn out expression on Maya's face.

"Bella, what's the matter?" she asked concerned while she walked into the kitchen and placed the groceries she had picked up on the Island.

"I'm just stressed out by everything and to make matters worse, I didn't expect to return from my twenty-four shift to deal with a sick kid," Maya said.

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