80. Diagnosis

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"Home sweet home," Maya spoke as she exhaled a sigh as Carina pulled into her parking space outside of the apartment complex.

"Si," Carina agreed before she turned back to notice the sleeping teenager in the backseat of the car. "Looks like the Bambina fell asleep on the way back," she noted.

Maya hummed in agreement quietly, "I'm not surprised, she looked ready to fall asleep at the bar," she told her wife as she unbuckled her seatbelt. "Go ahead inside, I'll carry her in," she added.

Carina nodded in agreement, unbuckling her own seatbelt before she opened the car door and climbed out. Maya watched her wife head into the apartment as she moved out of the passenger door, opened the back as glanced at her daughter fast asleep.

"Oh, my sweet girl," Maya murmured as she reached over to undo the seatbelt of her daughter before she lifted her into her arms and carried her into the apartment complex.

Not once while Maya was helping her get ready for bed nor when she tucked her in, did she wake up. It was a long day and it clearly showed on the younger girl.

"Is she fast asleep?" Carina questioned from where she sat on the couch, removing her boots after the long day that they had.

"Yeah, I don't she'll be waking up for the rest of the night either, she barely even flinched when I tucked her in," Maya told her wife as she moved into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. "I can't believe that our daughter is that depressed she's hurting herself," she stated.

Carina faintly smiled and shook her head, "We need to talk to her in the morning," she told her wife.

"Yeah..." Maya spoke quietly before she turned around, starting to remove all sharp objects from the kitchen drawers.

"Maya?" Carina questioned her wife concerned. "Bella, what are you doing?" she wondered.

"I'm removing it all. If we take it all then Maddie won't be wanting to hurt herself," Maya briefly explained as she continued to go through the door and remove all of the sharp objects.

Carina shook her head and looked at her wife, "Maya, come and sit down. It's been a very long day," she encouraged the blonde to come and sit on the couch.

"Carina, I can't sit down! Our daughter's self-harming because she is depressed and I will not sit and watch, and do nothing!" Maya exclaimed.

"I'm not saying that, Bella," Carina stated as she exhaled a sigh. "We can figure it out tomorrow, but it's been a long day for everyone and we can start again tomorrow with a fresh mind, si?" she questioned.

Maya nodded slowly and moved back over to the couch to sit down, "How did I not know? How-- Why was I that oblivious to not realise what our daughter was doing?" she asked.

"None of us knew, Maya. She's not spoken to either of us about it," Carina reminded her. She wouldn't allow her wife to blame herself for this. "If anything I should have been the one to see the signs, like what happened with Andrea... before it's too late," she added weakly.

Maya shook her head, "She's been suffering in silence, but it can't continue," she spoke aloud. "We need to get her an earlier appointment with Dr Lucas, I'll make some calls tomorrow, perhaps she can see her earlier," she suggested.

Carina placed a hand on her wife's knee, "Okay, Maya, slow down, just calm down..." she told her wife.

Maya picked up her beer bottle and took a swig, placing it back down as she broke into tears, "I--I've failed her, I have failed our daughter," she cried aloud.

Carina was shocked by her wife's sudden tears and her heart melted, "Maya... Oh, Bella. Come here," she moved towards her wife and wrapped her arm around her to comfort her. "It's going to be okay, we will help her and she will be okay. We'll make sure that she gets better, alright?" she reassured her wife.

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