29. Uncle Mason

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"Wow look at you, you look so much bigger than the last time I saw you!" Mason exclaimed. He was standing behind the counter. Maddie was just as shocked to see the older man, after all the last time she had seen him was when she was 5 or 6. "How old are you now, sixteen?" He joked.

Maddie didn't remember much about Mason other than he loved art, there were distant memories where she would run into his bedroom and find him painting. It was when she was 6 that he left the house that he grew up in.

"I'm only thirteen, not sixteen Mason," Maddie giggled. "So, do you work here?" She asked. Mason nodded.

"Yep, I work here. I'm actually the manager," Mason chuckled pointing at his badge at Maddie's surprised face.

"How have I never seen you here before? This is like my favourite ice cream parlour!" Maddie exclaimed as she looked at Sarah excited and shocked.

"That's a question that I have no answer to," Mason said laughing lightly and then looking at Sarah, "Whos' your friend, Mads?" He asked.

"Hi. I'm Sarah. Maddies' girlfriend," Sarah said, introducing herself.

"Mason," The older guy smiled lightly and leaned over to shake her hand. "How about I serve you guys and then I'll come to join you? We can have a catch-up for old time sakes," Mason said.

"Okay. That sounds good," Maddie agreed. "Uh, I'll take a mint choc chip ice cream and Sar, which do you want?" She asked.

"Bubblegum please," Sarah said. Mason nodded.

"Okay, you got it. These are both on me, I got to make up for lost time," Mason said cheekily as Maddie went to hand over cash to him.

"Awesome, thanks Mason," Maddie smiled gratefully. They waited until he'd made their ice cream cones before they went to find a table to sit at.

Back at the station, Maya hopped out of the truck and slammed the door shut behind her. Still hearing nothing from Maddie, she was beginning to get annoyed and even the team could tell.

"Still not heard anything from Maddie yet I take it?" Andy asked as she shrugged her turnouts off. Maya shook her head and exhaled a sigh.

"Nope, nothing yet.. oh wait, my texts have now been read," Maya said as she checked her phone to find the messages had indeed been read, "I know that she's my kid and all but god, I could kill her sometimes," She said. Andy couldn't help but chuckle and nod in agreement, her niece was truly a troublemaker.

"Why don't you go have a look round and find her, surely she told Carina where she was going?" Andy asked.

"It's the middle of a shift. What sort of Captain would I be if I left," Maya said as she shook her head.

"Your daughter is more important. I can fill in for you in the meantime," Andy said. Maya nodded.

"If I still don't hear anything in half an hour then I will consider that option," Maya said. "I'm heading into my office, you all have chores to be getting on with, shout if you need me at all," She said as she could feel her head start to pound from a headache, frustrated that her messages had now been ignored so Maddie was aware they were trying to contact her.

Maya moved to sit down behind her desk as she pulled her phone out of her pocket to Facetime her girlfriend who she was sure was anxiously trying to get hold of her as well.

"Ciao Bella," Carina answered the phone looking just as annoyed as Maya was. "I still haven't heard anything from Maddie. Have you heard anything yet?" She asked.

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