61. Rise From The Ashes

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"Slow down, Bambina," Carina chuckled from where she stood in the kitchen, a cup of espresso in hand as Maddie sat opposite her and ate breakfast. "There isn't any rush," she added amusedly.

"There is! The Pheonix fair is today," Maddie said between a mouthful of cereal.

"Mads, it isn't going to go anywhere," Carina told the teenager who eat the cereal that remained in the cereal bowl. "And don't talk with your mouthful," she reminded her.

Maddie resisted the urge to roll her eyes and started to slurp at the milk that was left over. "I just want to be able to get there already," the younger blonde stated, moving to deposit the bowl in the sink. "What if there's a huge cue when we get there?" she questioned.

"Then we'll have to be patient and wait like everybody else," Carina smirked.

Maddie pouted and picked her glass of orange juice up to drink. "Did you talk to mom? Can I have my phone back yet?" she questioned eagerly.

"As a matter of fact I did," Carina agreed as she moved over to her purse to fish the confiscated phone out. "We have both agreed that you can have it back," she paused as she continued to hold it. "Just as long as there are no more Italian curse words again," she told her firmly.

Maddie couldn't help but smirk and nod. "Noted. So, I'll just stick to English ones' instead then?" she asked.

"Bambina," Carina gave the teenager a hardened look.

"I am just kidding, mama!" Maddie grinned and accepted her phone back into her hands, she dramatically clung it close to her chest. "Thank god, I'll never let you go again," she murmured to her beloved possession.

"Uh, Bambina, are you okay?" Carina questioned concerned.

"Yeah, of course," Maddie looked up to her mama. "Why wouldn't I be?" she questioned.

"You're talking to your phone. That's not normal," Carina said amusedly.

Maddie grinned and pocketed her phone into her pocket. "I am just so happy to have it back," she told her before she walked off to her bedroom to get ready for today.

"We're here. Who's ready for another busy day?" Vic questioned as she grinned, climbing out of the fire truck alongisde Maya and Travis.

"Maddie's coming today, right?" Travis questioned the blonde on his left.

"Yeah, Carina's bringing the girls," Maya told them both.

"Awesome! It should be a fun today," Travis said as he grinned and they started to walk over to where their captain was, alongside Jack and Dean.

"Yeah, absolutely!" Maya agreed with the two of them. "Looks like tempretures are going to rise today, I hope that Carina knows to make sure that Maddie wears sunscreen," she commented.

Vic and Travis both look at Maya amusedly.

"What?" Maya questioned, glancing at the two of them confused.

"You're such a mom, Bishop." Travis stated still amusedly.

Vic nodded in agreement with her best friend. "You totally sound like one of those helicopter moms right now Maya," she teased the blonde.

Maya rolled her eyes at the two of them and waved her hand off. "Sue me for wanting to make sure that my kid doesn't get burnt or even have sunstroke," she said.

"I don't think you have to worry about that, Maya. Carina's a doctor after all isn't she?" Vic questioned amusedly.

"Yeah, I don't think that your hot Italian wife will let your incredibly pale skinned daughter burn out in the Seattle sun," Travis said while he couldn't help but grin.

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