60. Who Doesn't Like Fireworks?

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"Whoa!" Maddie exclaimed, her hand resting on her girlfriend's back as she looked up at the sky which exploded with colour. "The fireworks look so cool," she commented as she stared back at her girlfriend.

"I know, right? They are so pretty," Sarah swiftly leaned into Maddie so the couple could hug.

"And dangerous if they are used wrong," Maya pointed out from the other side of the table where she sat with Carina.

Maddie gazed over at her moms. "Oh, it looks like the Captain of the fun police has arrived," she stated teasingly at the older blonde.

"You little-" Maya didn't finish her sentence before Carina spoke up.

"Bambina, come on," The Italian woman scolded the blonde teenager.

"Sorry mama," Maddie grinned sheepishly and continued to snuggle into Sarah's embrace as the sky lit up once again with colour.

"Yeah, Pheonix!" Vic cheered from where she stood with the rest of the firefighters.

"Let's hear it for the Pheonix Fair!" Jack continued to cheer from where he sat beside Maddie and Sarah on the bench.

"See? That's the spirit, uncle J!" Maddie grinned and fist-bumped with the male.

"Two days down, two days to go!" Maya stated, unimpressed.

"Guys, come on, it's a celebration of life... and survival and vaccines and the ability to gather together and to hug and to be human. Come on," Carina explained.

"Great speech, mama!" Maddie said as she smiled in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm just grateful that the worlds going back to normal now," Sarah stated.

"You're right. Seattle has risen. What's to hate?" Maya questioned rhetorically.

"Stilt walkers," Dean pointed out.

"Same!" Ben agreed.

"What? No! They're so funny, I like to watch them and wait for them to fall over at some point. How can you not like stilt walkers?" Maddie questioned.

"Maddie, that's mean babe," Sarah said as she laughed.

"I know, I can't help it though," Maddie grinned and turned to look at Jack. "Do you hate anything, uncle J?" she questioned.

Jack nodded in agreement. "Yeah, pub crawlers. I really hate pub crowds," He told them all.

"Oh, crowds. I hate crowds. I hate drunk crowds, hot, sweaty crowds. Just, you know, crowds in general," Vic flaunted her reasons for hating crowds.

"Yeah, I don't like crowds either. Too many people," Maddie said in agreement.

"Me neither. They suck," Sarah mumbled into Maddie's shoulder which she leant on.

"You know what I hate? I kind of hate fireworks." Travis stated.

Maddie gasped playfully. "I'm starting to think of you as part of the fun police as well, uncle Trav!" she teased the older man.

Travis rolled his eyes at the teenager and smirked. "They're environmentally catastrophic, and they torture dogs." he pointed out the flaws.

"Yeah, I hate people that point out the flaws in fireworks," Ben told him as he smirked.

"Yep!" Maddie agreed with the man.

"I didn't say it wasn't a good show," Travis said. Just at that moment, fireworks lit up the sky which was followed by loud bangs.

"Whoa!" Ben exclaimed as the rest of the firefighters cheered. "Right on cue," he added.

"I wish that Tia Andy could be here with us. It doesn't feel right that she is at another station," Maddie said as she sighed.

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