65. Truth Comes out

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"This thing smell weird to you?" Ben questioned Maya as she drove to the scene. "Like someone left a cup of soup in here too long? And I don't even want to think about how many butts have sat in these seats," he mentioned going off-topic.

"How did you know you wanted to be a dad?" Maya asked, ignoring his previous question.

"Uh," Ben chuckled slightly. "Well, I-I didn't. I fell in love with a woman who had a son, so I was a dad," he paused. "But Maya, you're already a mom. Why are you asking me this?" he asked.

Maya didn't give him an answer to his question. "Right. And Joey?" she continued to ask.

"I fell in love with a woman who had such a big heart that she brought home another son without asking me first," Ben answered her question. He decided to not bother asking his own questions again, there was no point.

"Okay, 0 for 2," Maya mumbled as she concentrated on the road up in front of them.

"Yeah, yeah," Ben agreed as they arrived at the scene.

Maya didn't utter further words as she stopped the engine and climbed out, heading over to the house to check out the scene.

"Beckett, our access to the basement is the only flow path," Maya walked back over to her captain to report the damage. "We need ventilation," she added.

"Is that how firefighting works, Bishop? You're gonna have to give me your TED talk one of these days," Beckett dismissed her with his usual sarcastic tone of voice. "Okay, Warren, Bishop, make access to the first floor. You're gonna need to cut a heat hole down through the flooring. Gibson, Montgomery, Sullivan, you're on fire attack. Get in the basement and knock it down," he continued to give out the orders.

All of the firefighters jumped into action, each following through with their own orders they were given.

"What a total jackass," Maya muttered to herself as she followed Ben to the truck to grab the appropriate equipment.

"Wilson!" Carina snapped at her fellow resident, moving forward to reach for the instruments herself. "God damn it. Give it here, I'll do it myself!" she grumbled.

"Uh sorry," Jo was quick to apologize.

Carina exhaled a sigh and shook her head. "Just do me a favour and go check on the labouring mamas. Think you can do that without any problems?" she questioned sarcastically.

"Yes of course," Jo answered before she scurried out of the OR that just left Carina, a few scrub nurses and Amelia who was also working on another part of the body.

"Damn. Who annoyed you today?" The brunette attendant questioned.

"What are you talking about, Amelia?" Carina asked concentrating on the patient in front of her.

"You snapped at Jo and that's unlike you. So, what's the matter?" Amelia continued to press for her answer.

Carina shook her head, instrument in hand as she worked. "There isn't anything wrong," she denied.

"Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that," Amelia said as she smirked behind her mask.

"Okay, fine... Maya and I-" Carina started.

"Had an argument?" Amelia interjected.

"Was it that obvious?" Carina wondered as she let out a sigh.

Amelia slightly chuckled and nodded. "Yes, you took it out on your resident," she told her friend and colleague.

"Yeah... I owe Jo an apology," Carina mumbled quietly.

"You do. Was it over the same thing again?" Amelia questioned. Of course, the brunette knew what was the problem.

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