4. Sour Mood

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School had let out for the day for the day. Maddie made sure to say bye to Sarah before she met up with Ella to walk with.

"So, did you ask Sarah to the party?" Ella asked with a grin on her face.

"Yes I asked her," Maddie said as a light blush appeared on her face.

"And what did she say? Is she going to come?" Ella was quick to ask questions.

"Eager much," Maddie chuckled. Ella continued to look at her best friend waiting for answers, "She said that if I was going then she would too," Maddie said. "That being said, I hope that Maya actually lets me go."

"If she doesn't then you just sneak out the window, simple as that." Ella smirked. Maddie raised her eyebrow.

"You're a very bad influence," Maddie said.

"I know, you told me that earlier, but you know that this party will be good and there will be so much alcohol so you don't want to miss it!" Ella said with a grin. Maddie rolled her eyes at her best friend as she stopped walking outside of the fire station. "Why are we outside the fire station?" Ella asked.

"This is my stop," Maddie told her. Ella cocked her head in confusion.

"Your sister's a fire fighter?" Ella asked.

"Actually she is the Captain," Maddie said. "So, I'll text you later?" she asked.

"Sure, we can talk about the party! It's going to be so great!" Ella exclaimed.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow El," Maddie chuckled at her overly excited best friend who carried on walking down the road and Maddie walked inside the station.

"Hey kiddo! How was your day at school? You didn't fall asleep like you nearly did this morning did you," Maya teased her younger sister as she walked out of her office, spotting her sister head into the building.

"Hey. It was alright I suppose. Just the usual stuff," Maddie answered with a shrug of her shoulders. Maya slung her arm around her sisters shoulder. Maddie thought that it wasn't best to mention the party just yet.

"Sounds fun, do you want to come and meet some of the team?" Maya offered. Maddie nodded.

"Yeah sure why not," Maddie said as she shrugged her shoulders lightly.

"Come on, there upstairs in the beanery." Maya said. Maddie followed her sister upstairs into the beanery where Travis, Vic, Andy and Ben were all sat around the table talking.

"Nineteen. I would like you to meet my little sister Maddie," Maya introduced her younger sister to the team, Maya thought of the team like her family and had been completely honest with them so they was aware of her secret. "Maddie this is Andy, Vic, Travis and Ben." Maya said pointing to them each.

"We've already met. Mini Bishop!" Vic waved from her seat. Maddie giggled.

"Hey," Maddie said waving back. Andy turned around to see the younger Bishop who she had heard a lot about.

"Hey. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm your sisters best friend." Andy said.

"Hey," Maddie said with a smile.

"Where are Gibson and Miller?" Maya asked, walking over to the counter to pour herself a cup of coffee from the pot.

"They're out on a call in the Aid car," Andy said. Maya nodded.

"You will get the chance to meet them later on," Maya said.

"Wow, you literally look like a carbon copy of your sister," Ben said.

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