13. Reunited

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"So, there is a five-alarm fire so there stands a chance that I won't be home until late but there is money on the counter for pizza," Maya said as she pulled up outside of Maddie's school. Maya decided that she needed to cool off and went to a party last night at Dean's houseboat and she was slightly hungover now. Maddie was still trying to wrap her head around the idea of her true parentage, despite the last few days, she was sick so she didn't have the energy to argue with the older blonde.

"Whatever," Maddie muttered as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"What is your problem Madison?" Maya asked, stopping her daughter from getting out of the car.

"You!" Maddie snapped. "You act like everything is fine between us but it's far from it," Maddie scowled at the older woman.

"Excuse me?" Maya asked taken back.

"I don't understand why this whole time you knew that you were my mother and you didn't even tell me even after I was kicked out and moved in with you, why would you still keep it from me, even then?" Maddie asked.

"Look I know that you are angry with me right now for keeping it a secret for so long, but you need to understand that I was trying to protect you from your father, he isn't a nice man, I didn't want him to know about you and I thought that if my parents looked after you and you were raised as theirs then you would be safe from him," Maya explained to her daughter.

"Wow, mother of the year." Maddie rolled her eyes. "And not to mention that you cheated on Carina with Jack of all people! You seriously messed that up with the one woman who loved you and could see past your lies!" Maddie snapped at her. Maya raised her eyebrow.

"Maddie that has nothing to do with you. You need to stay out of it," Maya said in a firm voice.

"Yes, it does! I'm in the middle of the two of you and I love you both, despite your lies. I would say Carina has been like a sister to me as well, but I suppose that isn't true now is it?" Maddie rolled her eyes. "Way to go screw that up with her!" Maddie scowled at the woman she had thought to be her sister all of these years. Maya was taken back by her sudden anger, "I need to go or I'm gonna be late for class," Maddie said as she climbed out of the car and slammed the door behind her.

"Bye then!" Maya shouted as she sighed and drove off.

Maddie turned around to flip her the finger which Maya didn't see, Maddie didn't feel bad for her behaviour because her whole life had now been nothing but a lie, but now she had questions about her father and who she was.

Maya was stressed out at work after unravelling the truth to her daughter who now seemed to hate her, although she was sure she was more upset about her over the fact that she cheated rather than find out the truth about her biological parents.

"Hey," Lane Bishop said as he sat in the reception. Maya was taken by surprise at his arrival, in a way this was the last thing that she wanted to deal with today, she was still upset over the fact he kicked his own Granddaughter out.

"Dad, what are you doing here? Now really isn't a good time," Maya asked.

"Well, I figured I'd stop by and see my daughter, the captain in action. I've been calling you for days," Lane said.

"I'm- I'm- I'm sorry. There's been a lot going on and I have to go, but just hang here until I get back." Maya said as she started to walk into the barn. "

"Sure, kiddo." Lane followed Maya into the barn. "Hey," Lane called out and Maya turned around. "Go, Captain," he said. Maya smiled as she shut the door of the fire truck and waved, but the anger she felt right now was unbelievable for the fact he threw her daughter out.

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