Chapter 1

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Derek sighed as he rubbed at his tired eyes, running his other hand through his hair. He was exhausted. Everyday was the same. But he loved his job, the thrill of the surgeries. Everyday he would perform a miracle, saving people who were told they had no chance but he gave them that chance. He was a neuro god.

Grabbing his flask of fresh coffee, he picked up his bag and moved out of his apartment, locking his door on the way out.

"Shit!" Derek heard from behind him as a loud clatter sounded. "Useless fucking boxes!" She screamed as she kicked the box, her hands going to her hips.

Trying not to laugh, Derek bit his lip and turned to face her. Her blonde hair fell round her face, she bit her lower lip as her hand ran across her stomach.

"Are you alright?" Derek asked, watching as she looked up to him. Green clashing with blue. Her eyes sparkled.

"Oh, yeah." She looked down before looking back up and laughing. "Well, no. Trying to move on your own is hard enough but when the boxes can't stay put together then it's just a nightmare. Plus I have a headache and my whole body aches." She said as she frowned, swaying slightly as her hands ran across her stomach once again.

Derek took this time to take her in properly, from head to toe. She was pregnant.

"Alright, woah." Derek placed his things down on the floor, his hand grabbing the top of her arm as she continued to sway. "Right, you need to sit down. My names Derek, can you tell me yours?" He asked as he lowered her down to the ground, her eyes glazing over with exhaustion.

"Mer...Meredith." She forced out as she attempted to smile up at him. "Hm, so tired." She said as her eyes struggled to stay open.

"Hey, stay awake." Derek watched as her body began to slump as he reached for the bottle of water from his bag. "Here, take a sip of this."

He guided the bottle up to her mouth, grateful that she was drinking, which she so desperately needed.

"Thank you." She gasped as he moved the bottle from her mouth, her body suddenly relaxing.

"Look, I think we should get you to the hospital, get you and your little one checked out. Come on." He pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arm around her waist as he guided her slowly down the steps and outside to his car.

Wasting no time, Derek floored it and drove as quickly as he could, desperate to get her to the hospital. Pulling up in the ambulance bay, he was met by Bailey, who was frowning at him.

"Shepherd, you know damn well you can't park your car there." She exclaimed as she pointed at his poorly parked car. "Doesn't matter if you think you own this hospital, you don't, now move it before a real emergency comes in." She turned on her heels. "Damn surgeons." She whispered to herself as she started to walk off.

"Bailey!" Derek exclaimed, watching as the short attending twirled on her feet, staring at him with her eyebrows raised. "I need your help. Meredith, I met her outside my apartment this morning, she's pregnant." Derek moved to the passenger door and pried open the door, Bailey close behind him. "I think it might be dehydration or preeclampsia, I don't know. It's been a while since I've done a rotation in OB." Derek rambled off, his hand raking through his hair.

"I've got it Shep." She reached out and squeezed the top of his arm. "Nurse Olivia! I need a wheelchair over here now! And page Arizona Robbins!" Bailey helped Meredith out of the car and down into the wheelchair that was now by her feet, moving quickly through the hospital doors.

Derek watched as they disappeared out of view and out of mind. Or so he thought.

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