Chapter 59

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Derek was sat in his office, surrounded by paper work that just never seemed to be going down. He was just thankful that he was getting to work from home today, oppose you being stuck at the hospital. His head shot up as he heard the door break open and Meredith walked in.

"Hey you." He smiled at her as she walked over and stood behind him.  "Where are the kids?" He asked, relaxing as he felt Meredith's fingers go to his hair and start running through it.

"Sleeping, managed to get them both down for nap time at the same time today." Meredith said before leaning down to kiss Derek's neck. "How are we getting on?" She asked before moving to rest on his desk, so they were now facing one another.

"I already feel like I've done so much but that." He pointed to a large pile. "Is what I still need to go through, it's just...a lot." He said smiling up at her with an exhausted look on his face.

"You should take a break." Meredith said pushing the stray curl off of his face.

"I can't, I need to get this done so on the weekend I'm free. It's our time then." Derek said before diverting his eyes back to his work.

"Ok." Meredith smiled at him as he continued to work. It's one thing she had always admired about him, how hard he worked.

"So I had an interesting conversation with Amelia the other day." Meredith said as she read over his shoulder.

"Hmm, what about?" Derek said as he signed another piece of paper before placing it on the completed pile and grabbed one another.

"Well, she mentioned to me that she was seeing someone..." Meredith waited for Derek to respond but he simply nodded in response, clearly not listening. "Then she mentioned bringing him to the wedding, you didn't tell me someone in the family was getting married."

"What?" Derek's head finally shot up. "No one is getting married, what are you on about?" He frowned at her looking frantic.

"Nothing, Amelia mentioned it and I thought it seemed odd." At that Liam started to cry, clearly needing Meredith's attention. "Duty calls." She leaned down and brushed her lips against his before leaving him alone once again.

Getting up, Derek watched as Meredith headed up the stairs before closing his office door and heading straight for his phone and ringing Amelia.

It didn't take long for her to answer.

"I've been waiting for you to call..." Amelia's guilty voice came through the phone.

"Amy, what the hell? Why has Meredith just said that you are bringing someone to the wedding? You just nearly ruined it!" Derek whispered harshly.

"I'm sorry, it was a slip of the tongue, as soon as I realised I covered it as best as I could and left. I panicked. Look just tell her it was one of my friends weddings, we haven't got much longer, is everything ready?" Amelia said, her exciting causing Derek to forget his anger.

"It's good, the last few things are falling into place now. God, I can't wait." Derek leaned back in his chair and smiled at the thought of the day Meredith would finally be his wife.

"Good, I'm sorry again by the way, it was a complete accident. Meredith's rambling is catching clearly." Amelia laughed.

"Oh yeah, blame Mer..."

"Derek, I need your help, Liam decided to have a diaper explosion!" Meredith yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Look, I've got to go." Derek said down the phone. "Mer needs my help."

"I heard, go. I will see you on the weekend."

Then just like that, the phone call was over. He couldn't believe that after all this time the surprise had almost been ruined. He had worked so hard to make this perfect for them.

Placing his phone down, he jogged up the stairs and found Meredith giving their son a bath.

"Oh wow, Liam." Derek said as he looked down at the pile of clothes on the floor, Meredith's top included.

"Don't, you haven't even seen the worst of it yet." Meredith said as she picked Liam up and placed him in his towel. "Can you go and clean his bed please." She stood up to face him.

"Of course, Morgan still sleeping?" He asked as he pulled funny faces at Liam causing him to smile. "That's my boy."

"Yeah, for now. She will be awake shortly." Meredith said as she bounced Liam slightly.

"Alright, I'll go sort his bed." He kissed Meredith on the head.

Derek wasn't sure when he had become this man. The man that wanted to know everything about his kids life and be involved, even including situations like this. It was everything he had ever wanted and needed.

He quickly worked through the explosion in the Liam's room, getting it as clean as possible before remaking the bed. Just as he finished he heard a slight shuffle and turned to find Morgan stood at the door, rubbing her eyes.

"Dada." Morgan said as she walked over to him and held his trousers.

"Hey you." He leaned down and picked her up. "Did you have a good sleep?" He asked as he cuddled the young girl close to him.

The little girl nodded her head as she let it rest on his shoulder, still clearly slept up. Walking out on to the landing he had to stop himself from laughing as he covered Meredith covered in spit up.

"No, don't you laugh at me. Your son has it out for me." Meredith said pointing at him as Liam happily chewed on his fist.

"Oh so he is my son now?" Derek asked shocked.

"Yes, cause only your son would do this to me. I mean seriously. Seriously." Meredith shouted as she disappeared into the bathroom once again.

"Your mommy is crazy." Derek whispered to Morgan, listening to her little giggle before kissing the top of her head.

One thing was for sure, Derek couldn't wait until the day Meredith was his wife, which would be happening sooner rather than later.

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