Chapter 24

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Derek was back to work after having a few days off for his birthday. It had been difficult for him to get up this morning, not wanting to leave Meredith and Morgan. But now here he sat in his office catching up on paperwork that had piled up for him. His phone was propped up in front of him as he was currently on FaceTime with Meredith.

"Derek, you've only been back a couple of hours, she wouldn't have grown that much." Meredith giggled as she rolled her eyes.

"I know, I just being away from you both. Plus, I don't have any surgeries today, I'm literally doing paperwork which I could be doing at home." He said sighing as he continued to write down and sign everything.

"You'll be home before you know it." Meredith said before she heard the door knocking. "That's your mom, we are going for coffee and a catch up, so I'll see you later. Say bye to daddy Morgan." She said as she helped Morgan up to the screen, waving her little hand.

"Bye, love you both." He said before hanging up the call.

He dropped his phone down before leaning back in his chair, running his hands over his face before deciding to head down to the canteen.

He was almost at the canteen when he realised he had left his wallet in his car so turned and headed outside. Moving over to his car, he opened it and grabbed his wallet out of the glove box before shutting his door and locking his car. Turning round he jumped slightly when he realised someone was standing there.

"Fuck, you made me jump." He said holding his hand to his chest. "Finn, what are you doing?" Derek asked, taking in his disheveled appearance.

"Melissa ended it with me. Said I was shitty person, that she didn't want a life someone like me. Apparently, me putting her before my daughter is unattractive and not husband material, or whatever she said." Finn stumbled as he took another swig from his beer bottle.

"Finn, I'm sorry to hear that I am. But she wasn't wrong, you are a shitty person. Now if you don't mind, I have to get going." Derek said as he went to walk off as Finn walked in front of him, stopping him in step.

"This is all your fault. You stole my family from me." Finn said, getting in Derek's face.

"No Finn. You did that yourself, now seriously get out of my way." Derek said as he shoved his way past Finn.

The rage burned through Finns body as he watched Derek walk away, he couldn't stand this anymore. He reached in his pocket and started walking towards him.

"Derek." Finn shouted out as Derek stopped and turned to face him. "One more thing." Finn lunged at Derek and stabbed him right in the stomach.

Derek gasped as a sharp, hot pain ripped through his body, making him feel sick. His hands immediately went to his stomach where they got covered in his own blood. His scrubs started to turn a dark purple as the blood began to spread.

"What did you do?" Derek asked as Finn stood in front of him, knife in hand. Finn looked between the knife and Derek before dropping it and running off quickly.

Derek stumbled back towards the hospital, where he all put collapsed as he walked through the front entrance.

"Shep?" Baileys voice rang out as Derek's body slumped to the floor. "Get me a gurney now!" She screamed out as she ran over and pressed her hands on his stomach.

Derek wasn't even sure what happened next, it was flurry of everything and everyone running around him. His eyes opened and he looked round realising he was in an exam room, an oxygen mask on his face. Reaching up he pulled it off his face.

"Not a good idea Derek, keep it on." Owen said as he moved the mask back up.

"Meredith." Derek gasped out before he started coughing aggressively, wincing in pain.

"We will phone for you now Derek." Richard said as he reached for Derek's phone.

"No!" Derek exclaimed, wincing again. "Don't, she will panic and drive like a manic on the roads, I need her and Morgan to stay safe. Get here safe." He said catching his breath again.

"Just tell her I forgot me wallet and need some lunch bringing. Just...don't...tell her..." Derek said before drifting off to an unconscious state once again.

"We need to get him to surgery now, Bailey let's move." Owen instructed as he and Bailey headed towards the OR, wheeling him as fast as they could.

Richard reached for Derek's phone and dialled Meredith's number, composing himself for the task ahead.

"Derek, seriously? You're unbearable, we literally spoke a few hours ago, what could you possibly want now?" As Meredith giggled down her phone.

"Meredith it's Richard, Derek is currently in surgery, he asked me to ring you. He forgot his wallet and needs some food so was wondering if you could drop him some food off." Richard replied trying to not Meredith know that something terrible was happening.

"Oh hey Richard. Sorry, tell me he's an idiot but yeah I will bring him something up now. Will see you shortly, bye." Meredith said before hanging up.

"Bye Meredith." Richard said as he lowered the phone, looking down at Derek's blood covered clothes. Bile rising in his throat.

Derek has to be alright. He just had to be.

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