Chapter 50

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Derek walked out of the latest board meeting with a huge smile on his face. His ego bigger than ever. He was on cloud 9. Finding out that they were impressed with how he was handling being chief and that they were definitely considering him for the next chief in the long run meant all his hard work had paid off.

The past few days had been rough with the constant arguments with Meredith and the fact he had barely seen his daughter, so he knew he had some making up to do. So tonight he would head home, make them dinner and spend the night cuddled up with his girls.

"Dr Shepherd, room 2365 needs a consult." Nurse Olivia said as she handed him a chart.

Derek groaned as he took the chart and quickly looked over it.

"I will take a quick look but page Dr Nelson as well in case they need surgery as my shift is actually over and I've got a very pregnant fiancé to get home to. Plus, I actually want to see my daughter today." Derek said as he dragged himself to the patients room.

Luckily, the patient didn't need surgery immediately so that could wait until tomorrow meaning he could get home to his family. So he went to his office and grabbed his bag before heading down to his car.

As he grabbed his car handle door and pulled it open he heard his name being called across the car park.

"Dr Shepherd wait!" Dr Wilson shouted as she ran up to his car.

"Dr Wilson, I'm about to head home so whatever it is make it quick." Derek said as he waited for her to catch her breath.

"'s..." she said as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Dr Wilson, what is it? I need to get home to my family." Derek said, getting fed up of hanging around as he continued to move into his car.

"Wait, it's Meredith. She took a fall on the stairs, she's in surgery, Dr Robbins is about to deliver your son and Dr Bailey is waiting to operate on Meredith." Dr Wilson finally got out, watch as Derek's face went pale with fear.

"Come on!" Dr Wilson said as she pulled him away and shut his car door and the two of them ran into the hospital together.

Derek couldn't breathe as he ran into the hospital, Meredith and his son were somewhere in that hospital and he had no idea what was going on.

Heading to the waiting room, he found his parents sitting there. Christopher had his head in his hands as Carolyn cuddled a now sleeping Morgan, whose cheeks were stained with tears.

"I will get you an update as soon as possible." Dr Wilson said before she ran off back to help Dr Robbins.

"Ma, dad." Derek said as he walked up to them, fear in his voice as he watched them lift their heads and look at him. Disappointment clear on both of their faces.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Christopher said as he stood up, coming face to face with Derek.

"I was in a meeting, I was just about to head home..." Derek said as Christopher interrupted them him.

"A meeting? You should have answered your phone! Meredith is heavily pregnant and you're not answering your phone, what is wrong with you? God I'm so disappointed in you right now. I didn't, we, didn't bring you up to be this selfish!" Christopher shouted causing everyone to turn and stare at them.

But before Derek could get a word in, Carolyn cut him off.

"Enough!" She whispered harshly. "You're causing a scene, this isn't the time or place. Now sit down, both of you!" She glared at them and watched as they sat down, apart from one another.

Derek sat there, running his hands through his hair as he they continued to wait for an update. The minutes seemed to drag by.

"Dada." Morgan said, as she pulled on his sleeve, staring at him with tired eyes.

"Come here bug, daddy is sorry." He said as he took her in his arms and cuddled her into his body, never wanting to let her go ever again.

"Dr Shepherd." A soft voice came as looked up to come face to face with Dr Wilson again.

The three of them stood to their feet as they waited for the update they had all been desperately craving.

"Dr Robbins managed to deliver your son successfully but he was having a bit of trouble breathing on his own. So he is up in the NICU, he is a bit jaundice and weighs on the smaller side but with him being a month early and born under these circumstances, he is doing well. He is a little fighter." Dr Wilson said smiling at them as they all sighed with relief.

"What about Meredith?" Derek asked as he ran his hand up and down Morgan's back as she slept on his shoulder peacefully.

"She's still in surgery, Dr Bailey was still working on her when I left to update you. She had a ruptured spleen and Bailey was struggling to stop the bleed but it seemed like she was getting it under control when I left. I'm sorry, I don't have any more information for you." She said as she watched Derek collapse back into his chair, holding back his tears.

"Thank you Dr." Carolyn smiled at her, before taking a seat next to Derek and wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"Carolyn stop comforting him, this wouldn't have happened if he had been at home looking after Meredith like he should have been!" Christopher exclaimed, frowning at them.

"Take a walk." Carolyn glared at him, watching as he sighed before walking off, hopefully to calm down.

"He is right." Derek said quietly watching as Carolyn turned to face him. "Everything he said is right."

"Stop. This isn't about you. It's about that little boy up there and Meredith. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with you but right now our main focus is them two. So pull yourself together, you don't get to break down now." Carolyn said, giving him her best motherly stare.

Derek simply nodded his head before kissing Morgan's head. He couldn't believe he had let it get to this stage, he should have been there. But instead he had put work first and fucked it all up.

"Dr Shepherd." This time it was Baileys voice he recognised as he looked up to meet her eyes, her scrub cap still sitting on her head.

"Meredith is in recovery. It came close but we managed to get her back, we struggled to find the bleed but we managed it. I'd wait a bit before going to see her, well once we have moved into her own room you can head up to see her." Bailey said before turning and walking away.

"She's alright." Carolyn said as she squeezed his shoulder.

"Yeah, thank god." Derek said as his family burst and the tears streamed down his cheeks.

Meredith and their son were alright. They were alive. Now he had to do everything in his power to make this right, to be the father and partner that they all deserved.

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