Chapter 40

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Meredith was sick of the sight of her hospital room. Looking at the same four white walls for the past three days was driving her insane.

Morgan had been discharged so Derek had been taking her home of a night time, leaving Meredith alone. At nights she struggled to sleep, nightmares of that day terrorising her mind, making it almost impossible for her to sleep.

"Ready to go dear." Carolyn said as she walked into the room.

"This better not be a joke?" Meredith asked as she pushed herself off the edge of the bed.

"Not a joke, time for you to go home." Carolyn laughed as she watched Meredith pick up her bag.

"Thank god. Where's Derek?" Meredith asked as she sat down in the wheelchair, turning to glance at Carolyn.

"Morgan was being really clingy and I thought it would be best that he stays at home with her whilst I came and got you. Less stress like." Carolyn said squeezing her shoulder.

They were on their way home when Carolyn took a turn, going away from her house. Meredith frowned as she watched the house become few and far apart. Until eventually, they arrived at Meredith and Derek's new house.

Before she could ask why they were here, she saw Derek and Morgan standing on the front porch, waving at her. Wasting no time she climbed out of the car and headed towards them.

"Der, what's going on?" She asked as stood next to him, taking Morgan out of his arms.

"Welcome home." Derek smiled.

"Mama." Morgan's little voice rang through Meredith's ears as she turned and gasped, Morgan reaching for Meredith's nose.

"She finally said this morning and I've been waiting for you to finally hear." He said, putting his arm around Meredith's lower back.

"Wow, I just, wow." Meredith said patting at her eyes.

"Mama, mama." Morgan giggled over and over, pressing her palm to Meredith's mouth.

"Derek, what are we doing here?" Meredith asked, not taking her attention off of Morgan.

"This is home."

"Home? Derek none of our stuff is here." Meredith said finally turning to him with a frown on her face.

"Well, I thought since the fire and everything, I didn't think you'd want to go back to the apartment. So me, my mom and dad, even Amelia helped, getting everything moved in. We haven't fully decorated but our stuff is here. Our room is set up. Morgan's room is set up. I just wanted you to feel safe. So welcome home." He said, opening the door and guiding her and Morgan inside.

"Derek..." Meredith said as she walked off, ready to explore the house.

Derek stood there at the door and was quickly joined by Carolyn.

"I'm proud of you son." Carolyn said as she kissed his cheek. "I must be going now, get dinner going. Send my love to Meredith and Morgan." She said waving goodbye and leaving.

He shut the door behind her and headed off to find Meredith. He eventually found her standing in their room. He watched as she yawned widely, her eyes barely open.

"You should sleep." Derek said as he walked over and ran his hand up and down her back.

"Later. I promise. I just want to spend time with you." She said smiling as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Alright, oh and look Morgan, shall we show mommy what else we learnt whilst you spent time with grandma and grandpa." He said taking Morgan out of Meredith's arms and placing her Morgan down on the floor.

It didn't take long for Morgan to get on her hands and knees and start crawling across the room and straight to her toy box. Derek smiled as he turned and found Meredith crying.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked cupping her face in his hands.

"Nothing, I'm just super happy and grateful to still be here. Like nearly all of this was taken away." She said as she leaned into his chest, holding him tight.

Derek didn't know what to say, he just held her tight in his arms, kissing the top of her hand and forever thankful that she was still here with him.

"Mama!" Morgan said as they turned, holding out her favourite towards Meredith and Derek, giggling before falling down onto her bum.

"When did she get so big?" Derek asked as Meredith wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I can't believe she is 9 months old already, I miss the newborn baby stage." Meredith said sighing.

"Well we can arrange that." He said raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up, no more babies." Meredith said, slapping him playfully.

"What? Like ever?" Derek said frowning at her.

"I'm not saying, not ever. But, Derek I never imagine having any children, then Morgan came along and she's the best thing to ever happen to me. It was hard so I've never really thought about having another baby, until now. So just give me time, alright?" She said kissing him quick.

"I can live with that." He said smiling against one another's lips.

"Come on, let's go play with our little bug." Meredith said before moving to crouch down next to Morgan, Derek joining her shortly after.

This was their opportunity for a fresh start, just the three of them. And they weren't going to waste another minute of their days together.

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