Chapter 33

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"Meredith wake up." Derek said as he kissed her shoulder and up her neck.

Meredith fidgeted in her sleep, swatting him away from neck as she mumbled in her sleep.

"Go away." She grumbled, burying her head into pillow.

Derek frowned as Meredith wrapped herself into the blanket more, moving away from him. Reaching out, he grabbed her hips and pulled her body into his, wrapping his arms tight around her.

"Mer, come on wake up." He said, nibbling on her ear lobe.

"Derek." She finally stretched her arms up and rolled over to face Derek, her eyes slowly opening. "Why are you waking me up so early? We literally just went to sleep, after you kept me up all night having sex." She said, resting her head on his chest.

"I don't hear you complaining at all, I'm pretty sure you encouraged me, to what was it, harder and faster? Or was it don't stop?" Derek laughed as he felt Meredith slap his chest.

"Ass." She said as she finally looked up at him, smiling at him.

"Happy birthday Mer." Derek said as he cupped her face in his hand before leaning down and brushing his lips against hers.

"Thank you." Meredith said as they finally pulled back.

"Right, get up." Derek said flying out of the bed and immediately throwing on his boxers.

"What?" Meredith frowned as she lay her head down on his pillow.

"Get up, I have plans for us. Plans involving us leaving the apartment today and going out. Which means, you need to get up and ready. I will get breakfast started and sort out Morgan." He leaned down and kissed her forehead before turning and moving out of their room.

Walking into Morgan's room, he found her awake and staring up at the mobile. As Derek walked into her eye line, she spat out her dummy, smiling widely, whilst her legs started kicking in excitement.

"Well good morning to you miss Morgan." Derek smiled as he leaned down and picked her up. "Let's get you changed quickly."

Derek was quick to change Morgan's nappy, putting her into a fresh one before moving into the kitchen.

"Right Morgan." Derek said as he placed her in the bouncer. "We are going to cook mommy some breakfast and then we are going to take her to her surprise. I hope she likes it. Do you think she will?" Derek asked.

Morgan's response was a quick gurgle before she stuck her hand in her mouth and began chewing on her fingers.

"You are so much help." He said as he squeezed her other hand before moving over to the fridge.

That's how Meredith found them when she walked into the kitchen. Morgan was kicking her legs in her bouncer, trying her best to speak to her toys. Whilst Derek was stood at the stove, spatula in hand as he danced along to the radio. He started shaking his hips which caused Meredith to laugh out loud, disturbing him.

"No carry on, I mean you why didn't you tell me that you was such a good dancer." Meredith said, laughing in the process.

Derek tried to say something back, but couldn't help but smile as he watched Meredith double other in laughter.

"Funny, real funny. Now come sit, breakfast is ready." Derek said as he carried their plates over to the table.

As Derek took a seat, he turned and found Meredith cooing at Morgan causing her to giggle and reach out to squeeze Meredith's nose. Morgan gurgled back and Meredith finally stood up.

"Thanks bug." She said kissing the top of her head before moving to sit at the kitchen table.

They sat together, enjoying their breakfast until their plates were empty. Once Meredith was finished, Derek slid a pile of cards over to Meredith, along with some presents.

"Derek..." Meredith was immediately cut off by Derek.

"Before you say I shouldn't have, I should. You deserve this. Well, even more, but, just open your presents." He said, getting up to clear their plates away.

Meredith rolled her eyes before reaching for the first present, she really had been spoilt. With new earrings, perfume, photo frame with a family phone in and then she was left with a small box.

Hesitantly, she reached out and pulled off the bow, slowly lifting the lid. She frowned when she found was inside.

"Derek, why have you given me a key?" She said pulling out.

"Read the key ring." Derek responded, watching as she turned it over.

Our new home.

Meredith realised that she was holding was a house key. She looked up at Derek with wide eyes.

"Is this a joke?" Meredith asked, watching as Derek shook his head.

"You got us a house." She said, standing to her feet and walking to stand in front of him.

"I got us a house. I know you love this apartment but I want us to have our own place, where we will grow and create memories." Derek said as he placed his hand on her shoulders.

"I just...I can't...I'm speechless." Meredith said as she held the key tightly in her hand.

"There's a first time for everything." Derek said winding her up as Meredith playfully pushed his shoulder.

"Be serious for a minute Derek, are you sure about this?" She asked holding the key up in front of him.

"Of course, I can't wait to show you it later. Nice big garden, perfect for Morgan when she's a bit older, 4 bedrooms. It's just perfect Mer. So finishing opening your cards and we will get going." He said kissing her quick, before directing her back to her chair.

Meredith smiled as she opened the cards that had been sent, from Carolyn and Christopher, Cristina, Izzie and Alex, plus all her other friends, even her mother had sent one. That was until she got to the last card at the bottom, which made Meredith sick to her stomach when she read the name.

"Derek, where did this card come from?" Meredith asked, holding it up in front of her.

"Oh." He turned and looked at it in her hand. "That was on the floor this morning, was posted through the door this morning, why?" He asked as he walked behind, reading it over her shoulder.

"Cause it's from Finn. As far as I was aware he is in prison, this doesn't have a stamp on meaning he must have posted it. It isn't over Derek, he is still out there." Meredith said as she turned him, fear written all over her face.

Derek just stared back at her with wide eyes, completely speechless. This couldn't be happening. This shouldn't be happening.

Sometimes life really isn't fair.

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