Chapter 44

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"You what?"

"Derek, can I call you Derek?" The blonde doctor that Derek recognised as Dr Robbins walked towards him.

"Look, I know you're scared but I need you to go in there with a brave face, cause if you walk in, looking the way you do, then Meredith is going to freak out. We need her to stay calm. I'm going to come and double check the sonogram again and we will go from there. Just try to relax, ok?" She said smiling at him.

"Relax, right." Derek said, his hands shaking and sweating as he dried them on his trousers.

Turning on his heel, he moved back into the room, to find Meredith pacing.

"What's going on? And don't lie to me!" Meredith said pointing at him.

"Meredith, relax alright, just sit down for me. Please." He said, kissing her forehead softly.

Their moment was interrupted when the door slowly opened and Arizona walked in.

"Hey guys, I'm Dr Robbins, Dr Wilson asked me to come and take a look as she's still quite new to this. So if I could get you to just lie back on the bed then we will get going." She said as she moved to sit at the sonogram machine.


"It's alright, it's going to be alright. Just relax." He brushed the hair out of her face, kissing her quick as he saw the vulnerability in her eyes.

"Meredith, if you could just lie down for me then we can get started." Arizona moved and squirted the gel on her stomach and immediately got to work.

Meredith's hand was locked tightly in Derek's, she needed everything to be ok. They had already fallen so in love with this baby so the thought of possibly losing it was making her sick to her stomach.

It seemed like hours had past as Derek watched Arizona's face closely. Looking any sign of a pending heartbreak for them.

"Ah, there it is." Arizona smiled as she pressed few buttons and the baby's heartbeat began to fill the room.

"It appears baby's heartbeat had synchronised with Meredith's which is why Dr Wilson couldn't find it. But baby is perfectly healthy and happy in there, look."

Arizona turned the screen and watched as the two ecstatic parents in here burst into happy tears. They held each other tightly before kissing, Derek reading the sonogram to Meredith and showing her everything.

"I'll print some copies for you and leave them at the nurses station. Congratulations you guys." She gave them one more warm smile before leaving them alone.

"Derek, we are having a baby." Meredith said turning to Derek.

"See, told you everything would be alright. Little man is just cause trouble already." He said placing his hands on her stomach.

Meredith shook her head, whilst smiling.

"I love you Derek." She said quick.

"I love you too." He smiled at her before leaning in to press his lips against hers.

"Just changed, I'll grab the sonogram photos and then we will go and get Morgan. Get to show off the new grandchild to the parents." Derek had a wide smile on his face as he turned and walked out the room, a slight spring in his step.

Whilst changing, Meredith couldn't help but let her hands drift to her stomach, cradling the small bump where their child lay.

"I can't wait for you to come, well I can, so stay in there until you're big and strong. You really do have the best big sister and daddy. He can't wait to meet you either, for his sake, I hope you're a boy." She laughed as she pulled her top out of her stomach and went to join Derek.

She found at the nurses station, proudly showing off the sonogram to anyone and everyone. He was like a child in a sweet shop.

"Derek, come on we need to go and get Morgan." She said, placing her bag over her shoulder and slipping her free hand into his.

"Right, going. Let's go." He said squeezing her hand and leading her out of the hospital.

Driving to his parents house he couldn't help but tap his fingers along to the beat, humming happily along.

"I'm hungry." Meredith said, just as her stomach began to rumble.

"I heard." He laughed to himself. "We are nearly there now and you know ma will have prepared food. She always does when we go round."

"We are here." Meredith said as Derek swung into the drive.

They wasted no time in going inside, their hands interlocked as they announced their arrival.

"Mama! Dada!" Morgan squealed as she came round the corner, walking before falling on to her bum and crawling the rest of the way.

"Hey bug." Meredith cooed as she leaned and took Morgan into her arms, kissing her cheek.

"Tah." She said as she handed Meredith her dummy.

"Oh thank you." She said laughing as she took it.

"Hey princess." Derek said as he kissed the top of her head.

"Dada." Morgan leaned over and gracefully moved into Derek's arms, cuddling onto his chest.

"Hey Derek, Meredith." Christopher said as he walked round the corner, pulling them into quick hugs.

"Your mom is the kitchen, hope you're hungry." He said as they followed them into the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen they found Carolyn drying her hands before moving to greet them.

"Hey ma." Derek said as he kissed her cheek, watching as she took Meredith's into her arms and whispering something that made them both smile.

"Oh, mom, dad, this is for you." Meredith said, pulling out a sonogram from her bag and handing it to him.

Meredith moved to Derek's side and they watched as their parents eyes went wide with excitement before filling with happy tears.

"Meredith, are you..." Christopher said as he looked up and watched Meredith nod.

"Oh congratulations dear." He immediately grabbed her and pulled her for a hug before asking her how she was feeling.

That's how the next few hours went, talking about the arrival of the newest Shepherd.

Meredith sat back and sighed with content, finally happy. With her pregnancy with Morgan she had been all alone, but this time she wouldn't be. She had the biggest and best support system she could possibly ask for. The Shepherds had took her and Morgan in as one of their own and for that she would forget grateful to them.

Life was finally looking up.

So I never meant to keep you waiting this long for the next update but I've been working and then it was my nans birthday so today was my first bit of free time. So I apologise for that.

Will try and get another upload up later, also, please let me know if you are still loving this story <3

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