Chapter 7

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Derek was relieved to finally have a day off and be able to visit his family. He had to admit, on his previous days off he had been spending all his time with Meredith but today, he would go see his family.

He parked his car in his usual spot and walked up to the house and walked in, not bothering to knock.

"Ma, dad, it's me." He shouted as he walked through the door, immediately wrapped in the comforting feeling that reminded him of his childhood.

"Derek." Carolyn smiled as she walked round the corner, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Hey ma." Derek reached out and wrapped his arms around his mom tight. "Where's dad?" Derek asked as he pulled away.

"Oh, he's outside playing football with some of the grandkids. You know I think he forgets how old he is sometimes." She said rolling her eyes, causing Derek to laugh.

"Always the way." He laughed as he followed her through back into the kitchen. "Something smells good."

"It's just lunch." Carolyn said as she stirred the pot. "Would you like to stay?" She asked.

"Would love to. Let me just go say hello to everyone." Derek kissed her head before moving out to the garden.

Derek stood on the porch, watching as his dad was chased round the garden by the kids. Before Christopher was tackled to the ground, everyone bursting into laughter.

"That's it kids, get grandpa." He shouted out, watching as everyone turned towards him smiling.

"Kids off you get, grandpa needs a break and need to speak to Uncle Derek." Christopher addressed all the children, finally standing up when they had all moved off of him.

"Hey Uncle Derek!" Ryan, Nancy's youngest, shouted before running down the back yard with everyone else.

"Hey Ryan." Derek smiled, waving at him.

"Hey Derek, how you been?" Christopher walked up and hugged Derek, gently slapping him on the back.

"Busy, work has been, works work. Nothing new. You know and I've been out." Derek couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face, thinking of Meredith.

"That's good to hear son, you're mom was always worried about you, working so much. I'm glad you're out there, finally living." Christopher smiled, knowing there was a much deeper meaning to Derek's uplifted mood and smile.

"Lunch is ready!" Carolyn shouted out the kitchen window, causing all the kids to run into the house, closely followed by Christopher and Derek.

Their lunch was eventful. With the kids keeping the adults on their toes, with food flying everywhere and them laughing hysterically at one another. It was Derek's phone ringing that interrupted their chatter. 

"Sorry, I need to take this." Derek smiled as he saw her name displayed on the screen. "Meredith,hey." He got up from the table and headed back outside.

Carolyn and Christopher looked at one another, sharing a look that needed no words to be spoken. They both knew exactly what the other was thinking.

"So I need to head off now." Derek announced as he walked back into the room, moving round the room, saying his goodbyes to everyone.

"Off to work son?" Christopher asked, as Carolyn smirked.

"No actually, I've just got errands to run." He smiled before moving out of the house and straight to his car.

Later that evening, Carolyn and Christopher were washing up the last of the dishes when Carolyn cleared her throat.

"So do you think Derek has finally found someone?" Carolyn asked smiling to herself.

"Don't interfere dear." Christopher said, turning to look at Carolyn. "But yes I do, haven't seen our boy smile like that in years."

For the first time in years Christopher and Carolyn were relived that their son was truly happy in his life. For once it didn't resolve around work, he had a purpose and they couldn't wait to meet the reason for their son smiling the way he was.

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