Chapter 30

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Presents had been opened and wrapping paper decorated the living room. They had, of course, gone over the top with presents even though they said they wouldn't.

"Mer, can you pick up all the wrapping paper and place it in the bag? I want to get tidied up a little bit before my mom and dad get here." Derek said as he walked in, a large bin bag in his hands.

"Derek, come here." She grabbed his hand and pulled him down so he was sat on the arm of the chair. "Look." She said pointing to Morgan.

Morgan was currently in her bouncer, holding on tightly to the custom made bear Derek had brought for her. The bear was a light brown bear, dressed in scrubs and when you squeezed it's hand, Derek's voice would play. Her eyes began to drift shut as she cuddled in closer.

"You just had to go and buy the best present, didn't you?" Meredith said, turning to look at him and playfully slapping his stomach.

"I mean, what can I say." He said shrugging his shoulders, smugly. "No, but when I'm on my long shifts or away on conferences I don't want her to forget about me, this way she won't." He said pointing at Morgan.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up." Meredith slapping his knee and pushing herself to stand up.

They moved round the room quietly and effectively, finally finishing up picking up all the wrapping paper.

"Come with me." Meredith whispered to him and taking his hand, dragging him into the kitchen.

"Where are we going?" He asked, until Meredith turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Merry Christmas Der." She said softly, smiling up at him.

"Merry Christmas Mer." He replied, her hands going to rest on her lower back, pushing her into his body.

They leaned into one another and their lips met in a passionate embrace, as they began to moan into one another's mouth, Derek reached down and picked Meredith up.

Meredith squealed slightly, smiling into his lips before starting up the kiss again. Moving over to the kitchen side, Derek placed Meredith down and stood in between her legs, his hands going to the bottom of her shirt and slowly started lifting up. That was until, a loud knock came from the front door causing them to pull apart.

"That will be your parents." Meredith said, pulling down her shirt and sliding off the side.

"Make them wait." Derek groaned as he grabbed her by her hips and pulled her body into his.

"Don't be ridiculous." Meredith said pushing him away before leaning in to whisper in his ear. "Just wait until tonight, I have little surprise just for you." She kissed his neck and walked to the front door.

Derek groaned to himself, not stopping the smile that graced his face. He then closely followed behind Meredith, joking her just in time to greet his parents.

"Merry Christmas!" Carolyn and Christopher cheered as they walked through the door.

Hugs were exchanged as they fumbled and walked into the living room. At the commotion going around her, Morgan's eyes opened slightly turning to find Carolyn and Christopher there. She smiled up widely at them, spitting out her dummy in the process.

"Here she is, there's my girl." Christopher said, bending down and scooping her into his arms, Carolyn and him, both fussing over her immediately.

Meredith walked over to Derek and wrapped her arms around his waist. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

It was a crazy few hours, with presents being exchanged as Carolyn and Christopher shared stories of a younger Derek back in the day and hilarious stories. Meredith listened intensely, laughing as she held onto Derek's hand and leaned into his side.

Morgan was back in her bouncer, gurgling and cooing to her bear before drifting back off to sleep, the excitement on the day catching up with her.

"Carolyn dear, we must be going now, we've got to get around and see the rest of the grandkids." Christopher said as he interrupted hers and Meredith's conversation.

"Oh right of course." Carolyn said taking his hand and allowing him to pull her onto her feet.

"Oh wait, before you go I have one more present. It's more for Derek, I guess, but I wanted to give it to him when you were so just wait here." She said, rushing to her feet and running out of the living room.

Derek frowned before looking back to his mom and dad, curious to what was going on. He was under the impression that all the presents were done.

"Here." Meredith said, panting slightly as she handed over a large envelope to Derek.

Derek hesitated before taking the envelope, opening it slowly as he pulled out the pile of papers. His eyes ran over the words, not really taking it in, that was until he saw it. Her saw it, right there in black and white.

Morgan Grey-Shepherd.

"Is this serious?" Derek asked, tearing his eyes away from the paper, looking up to meet Meredith's. He watched as nodded her head, smiling widely at him.

"What is it son?" Christopher asked.

Derek stood up and handed it over to Christopher, watching as Carolyn moved in and they both began to read it.

Slowly, Derek made his way over to Meredith and stood directly in front of her. They smiled at one another before he reached up and tucked the hair behind her ear. Derek cheered before sweeping Meredith into his arms and spinning her round, listening as she giggled.

Eventually, he placed her back on the ground and cupped her face in his hands.

"Are you sure about this?" Derek asked, his thumb stroking her cheeks.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life. Well apart from keeping Morgan but yeah you know what I mean." She said, placing her hands on top of his.

"Thank you." He mouthed to her before leaning in and kissing her quick.

They laughed when they heard both Carolyn and Christopher gasp, turning to find them both with tears shining in their eyes. Meredith was immediately enveloped into a group hug, thanking her for everything.

They eventually pulled away and left like they had originally planned. Leaving Meredith and Derek to themselves.

Meredith was cuddled into Derek's arms, full from their Christmas dinner, watching as Morgan kicked away on her play mat.

"I never want to move again." Derek groaned, burying his face in her hair.

"That might be a problem considering we've got a 3 month old baby and you have a job, right now, we can stay here." Meredith said, burying herself into his arms.

"Ah!" Morgan screamed as her legs kicked at the dangling toys.

Meredith smiled as Derek slowly drifted off behind her, his grip never letting his arm loosen around her. This Christmas had been the calm before the storm, cause next Christmas Morgan would up and running about. Then in a few years there might be another little one running around.

Meredith finally had it. It's all she had ever wanted, a family. Her own perfect little family.

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