Chapter 42

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"We are having another baby."

Meredith and Derek were so wrapped up on their own little bubble, finally pulled out of it by the sound of Carolyn clearing her voice.

"Dinner is ready." She smiled at them quick before heading straight back in doors.

"Come on, let's get you and this little one fed." He said, pressing his hand to her still flat stomach. His heart swelled with the thought of having another baby with Meredith. Morgan would have someone. His Morgan would be a big sister.

"Let's go." Meredith said kissing him quick and grabbing his hand to head inside.

"For one, I hope it's a boy." Derek said causing Meredith to turn around and find him smirking at her.

"I bet you do." She laughed, shaking her head before taking her seat at the table.

Before Derek could dig into his dinner, Morgan's soft cries came from the living room. He placed a hand on Meredith's shoulder, stopping her from getting up. She smiled up at him as he stood up and moved into the living room, her hand drifting automatically to her stomach.

He walked in with a smiling Morgan on his hip, her eyes still filled with sleep as her hair stuck up in different directions.

"God, she's adorable." Nancy said, smiling at Derek and Morgan.

They sat at the table, with Morgan cuddled into Derek's chest as they sat and ate. Meredith smiling at the fact she was finally able to keep some food down. All of a sudden Derek's pager rang throughout the house.

"Shit. Sorry." Derek said as his mom frowned at him. "911, we've got to go. Sorry mom." He said as he handed Morgan to Meredith.

He walked back in with their coats and stuff ready to go.

"Derek, why don't I drop Meredith and Morgan off home? Let them stay and eat." Carolyn said smiling at Derek.

"Are you sure?" He watched as she nodded. "Mer, I'll see you later, don't wait up for ok, you need your sleep for you and..." he stopped himself as he watched Meredith's eyes go wide and she shook her head.

"Morgan need it. I love you." He kissed her quick. "Bye Morgan, daddy will see you in the morning, love you." He kissed the top of her head and quickly said goodbye to his family before leaving.

Time quickly flew by as they finished up their dinner, now sitting in the living room whilst Morgan played on the living room with Amelia. Meredith and Nancy sat on the sofa gossiping away.

"I'm home!" Christopher's voice rang throughout the house and Meredith watched as Morgan's face lit up.

"Pa!" She squealed as she quickly got up and started crawling away, heading straight for Christopher.

"Would you look at who it is! Morgan come here!" Christopher cheered as he leaned down and scooped Morgan up.

Meredith's face softened as her hand drifted to her stomach. She finally turned her head and found Carolyn staring at her, raising her mug to her as she smiled at Meredith. It was so obvious that Carolyn knew.

"Evening Meredith dear." Christopher said as he moved and kissed the top of Meredith's head.

"Hey dad." It was at this time that Morgan began to rub at her eyes, clearly exhausted from exciting day.

"Mama." She cried as she leaned out and her arms reached for Meredith, automatically curling into her and rubbing her face against her chest.

"Come on dear, I will take you home." Carolyn said as she stood up.

It was a quick whip around of saying goodbyes before they climbed into the car and began their journey.

"So, does Derek know?" Carolyn asked not taking her eyes off the road as she smiled, causing Meredith to laugh.

"I knew we wouldn't be able to keep it from you and yes he does know." Meredith said as Carolyn reached out and squeezed her hand.

"Congratulations dear." She gave her hand a quick squeeze before continuing the drive home.

By the time they arrived to the house, Morgan was full on screaming as her little legs and arms waved about in the air. Meredith was quick to apologise to Carolyn before waving her goodbyes and heading inside.

She quickly got Morgan changed before moving into her room and settled down, adjusting her top allowing Morgan to latch on.

"How do you feel about being a big sister?" Meredith asked, running her finger over Morgan's cheek, laughing as Morgan swatted her hand away.

"It's soon but, but I'm ready. Daddy is so excited. We made it, we finally made it." She smiled at her daughter whose eyes started drifting shut.

That night Meredith decided to keep Morgan in the bed with her, soon falling asleep herself, with her one arm wrapped around Morgan and the other resting on her stomach.

She wasn't sure how long it had been when she felt a pair of lips press against her neck. Her eyes opened as she turned and smiled at Derek.

"You're home. What time is it?" She asked as she looked for the clock.

"It's about 2am, so late. Go back to sleep, do you want me to put Morgan into her bed?" He asked, pointing to Morgan who was curled into Meredith chest, her one hand gripping her shirt whilst her thumb was in her mouth.

"No, leave her. You getting into bed?" She asked, seeing he was still dressed.

"Just going to have a quick shower. How's our little boy?" He said his hand going to her stomach.

"We don't know it's a boy, we've only just found out we are pregnant." She said swatting his hand away.

"Just wait and see I know it's a boy." He said leaning down to kiss. "Go back to sleep, I'll be in shortly." He said, leaving for the bathroom.

Meredith smiled to herself before settling back down and falling back to sleep.

Derek walked back into their room, towel drying his hair as he stopped at the foot of their bed. Meredith and Morgan were curled up on his side of the bed, fast asleep. Smiling to himself, he dropped his towel on the floor, knowing Meredith would have a go at him for it in the morning, before climbing into bed behind Meredith.

Her body automatically moved into him, fitting together perfectly. He kissed her on the neck quick before burying his face into Meredith's hair, his hand joining hers on her stomach.

This was it. He was going to be a father of two and he forever was in debt to Meredith for giving him everything he ever needed and wanted. She gave him a purpose. A motive. To become a better man.

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