Chapter 28

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Morgan was officially 3 months old and Meredith couldn't believe how fast it was going. It was like she blinked and here they were.

Life was good. Really good. But that why Meredith was waiting for the another shoe to drop. It all seemed to good to be true.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked as he slid his arms over Meredith's shoulders and whispered into her ear.

"Writing Christmas cards, I don't know why. I've never bothered before this year but it feels right, like the motherly thing to do." Meredith said as he continued to write in multiple cards.

"Meredith, just because you're a mom this year doesn't mean you have to send Christmas cards to everyone." He laughed as he nibbled on her ear lobe.

"Don't laugh at me." She said leaning into his embrace. "Celebrating Christmas is all very new to me, so I'm just going with what seems right." Meredith sighed, finally dropping the pen and leaning back into his chest.

"Well, Christmas is all about starting your own traditions, like we could all wear matching pyjamas on Christmas Eve, have s'mores round a camp fire, honestly anything. It's up to us." He said as he sat next to her, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Maybe a tree would be a good start." Meredith laughed, pointing out their lack of decorations.

"Come on then let's go." Derek stood up and pulled Meredith's chair out from the table. "Go and get both yourself and Morgan ready, wrap up warm though and we will go and get a tree." Derek said as he practically bounced round like a little kid.

Walking over to Morgan, she grabbed her out of her bouncer and walked towards the nursery.

"You've probably noticed, but your daddy is crazy." Meredith said watching as Morgan smiled widely.

"I heard that!" He shouted from the kitchen.

"See." Meredith whispered to Morgan. "I can't wait to give him his Christmas present. How do you think he will react to find out your Shepherd now? Our little Morgan Grey-Shepherd." Meredith said as she pulled a clean body suit over Morgan's head before dressing her in a light onesie and then placing a fleece pram suit over the top.

"Derek, come and take Morgan whilst I get ready." Meredith shouted as she walked out the nursery.

"Oh, look at you!" Derek exclaimed. "We are going to get a tree, yes we are!" Derek spoke excitedly to Morgan, disappearing out of view.

Meredith smiled to herself before heading into her own room, throwing on a turtle neck, jumper, jeans and a thick pair of socks before placing on her boots.

"Are we ready to go?" Meredith asked as she walked into the living room, finding Derek ready and waiting to go.

"Yes we are, just waiting for mommy." Derek said as he placed Morgan in her pram. He watched as Meredith slipped her coat on before wrapping a scarf around her neck.

Walking over her adjusted her collar on her coat so it sat correctly.

"Let's go get our Christmas tree." Derek said raising his eyebrows before leaning down to kiss the top of his.

Grabbing her hand, he led to the door, pushing the pram with his free hand.

Reaching the stand that was currently selling the trees, Meredith and Derek looked round for the perfect one. Meredith watched Derek closely inspected every tree, making sure it wasn't too small, too wide or whatever else was wrong with it.

Meredith tired to stay enthusiastic but she currently wanted to trade places with a sleeping Morgan.

"Meredith I found one! Come and look!" Derek exclaimed, guiding her to the so called perfect tree.

"Derek it's a tree." Meredith said, turning to him frowning, she really was trying.

"It's not, you'll understand when it's decorated." Derek said as he turned and paid for the tree.

Meredith watched as Morgan began to fuss in her pram, clearly ready for a fed.

"Derek, how long is this going to take? She's due another fed and I would rather be back at home when I do that." Meredith said as she rocked the pram.

"You go ahead. I'll meet you back there." Derek said leaning over and brushing his lips against hers before watching her leave.

It didn't take long for Meredith to get back as she manoeuvred her way into the apartment, heading straight for her bedroom. Stripping Morgan out all her warm clothes, she then changed herself into one of Derek's shirts, before adjusting Morgan so she could latch on.

This time really was Meredith's favourite time of the day, it was such a special moment that she would cherish forever. Watching as Morgan's eyes drifted shut, she ran her finger over her cheek, smiling.

It wasn't long before Morgan unlatched after falling asleep. Meredith adjusted her so she could burp her without disturbing her too much before laying her down on the bed next, surrounding her with pillows before allowing her own eyes to shut for a few minutes.

"Mer. Meredith" Derek whispered as he gently shook Meredith's shoulder, watching as her eyes shot open.

"What time is it?" She asked as she sat up, finding Morgan rubbing her eyes next to her.

"Just after 6." He smiled at her, brushing her hair out of her face.

"6. Oh Derek the tree I'm sorry." She said as she placed Morgan on her side.

"Don't be sorry, just come and look." He said, taking Morgan out of Meredith's arms before giving Meredith his free hand.

Walking into the living room, Derek watched as both Morgan and Meredith's eyes went wide.

"Did you do all of this?" Meredith asked, her arms wrapping around his waist, looking up at his, admiration on her face.

"Yeah." Derek said, shrugging his shoulders. "What do you think?"

Meredith turned back to the tree where it was decorated with white and gold decorations. The light casting a low and warm glow across the living room. It was perfect. It wasn't too much. It was just enough.

"It's perfect thank you." She stood up and kissed him quick. "Think Morgan loves it as well." She laughed as she pointed to Morgan whose eyes were wide and taking in her surroundings.

"Want to see something even better." Derek asked, watching as Meredith frowned at him whilst smiling.

"Here." Derek crouched down on the floor, lying Morgan underneath the tree before lying down himself. "Come on Mer." Derek said as he watched at how reluctant she was.

Meredith didn't question it as she lay down on the other side of Morgan.

"Wow." She whispered to herself as she looked up at the light twinkling as they were intertwined between the branches. It was mesmerising.

Morgan lay next to them, kicking her little legs in excitement, cooing and gurgling as she watched the lights glow.

Derek reached and took Meredith's hand in his.

"I think we have our family tradition." Derek said, turning to look at Meredith. Her eyes glowing.

"Me too." She smiled at him as she squeezed his hand.

This is what Christmas is all about, family. It's all that mattered.

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