Chapter 2

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Meredith shifted in the comfortable bed, as her eyes opened, squinting at the bright lights above her. Lifting her hand up, she found an IV in her hand and a monitor round her stomach. Her bump. Her baby.

Sitting up, she looked round frantically, desperate for some answers. What was happening? But more importantly was her baby alright? It had to be. The baby had to be alright.

"Hey Meredith." A soft, gentle voice rang out from the door as a kind looking blonde doctor walked into the room. "Arizona Robbins. I'm your doctor." She smiled as she took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"What happened? Is my baby alright." Meredith asked, clearing her throat, as her hands immediately drifted to her stomach.

"Your baby is perfectly healthy." Arizona smiled widely before pushing to her feet and moving round to the sonogram machine. "You was dehydrated, added with the exhaustion, your body just gave out. But the little one is nice and comfortable in there. Look." Arizona moved the monitor off her stomach and squirted some gel onto her stomach, flicking on the machine.

Tears burned at Meredith's eyes as Arizona pointed out the features of her baby. Their little arms. Legs. Toes and fingers. Perfect. Meredith shook her head as she realised Arizona was speaking to her.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Wiping away the tears from her eyes.

"No, don't apologise." She smiled widely at her. "Amazing isn't it. I was just asking if you already knew the gender cause if not, I can tell you now as baby definitely isn't being shy today."

"Oh, please. Please tell me, every time I've been, they baby has had their legs crossed. I'm desperate to know." Meredith smiled widely before looking down at her bump. She was almost 6 months pregnant, meaning she didn't have long left to get settled in and ready.

A quiet knock alerted them on someone's presence at the door leading into Meredith's room.

"Derek, I mean Dr Shepherd, what can I do for you?" Arizona asked as she turned to smile at him.

"Just came to see how Meredith was." He pointed as he smiled towards them. "As I can see, she is getting the best possible care, so I'll just go." He pointed behind him and turned to move away.

"Derek." Meredith called out, watching as he turned back to face her. "Thank you, for everything. I owe you one." She smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling.

"Of course, I know where you live so I'll be sure to cash in on that favour you owe me." He joked with her, simply winking before walking away.

Meredith smiled to herself, before diverting her attention back to the screen.

"Come on, what am I having?" Meredith couldn't stop the wide smile that spread across her face.

"You are having a little girl. Congratulations." Arizona turned off the machine before wiping the gel off of her stomach. "Everything looks good, you should be good to go home later on tonight. Just want to keep you in for a few more hours just to be sure." She reconnected the monitor round her stomach before standing to her feet. "If you need anything, get one of the nurses to page me. For anything, any questions. Congratulations again Meredith." Arizona reached out and squeezed the top of her arm, smiling down at her before leaving.

Meredith was ecstatic. But also terrified. Whilst she had hoped for a little boy, she wasn't disappointed to find out she was having a girl. But what if their relationship turned out like hers and her mothers? She couldn't bear the thought of it.

"Hey bug." Meredith ran her hands over her stomach lovingly as she felt her daughter kick. Her daughter. It still felt surreal. Meredith Grey was having a child, a daughter. "It's mommy, I'm glad you're safe and I can't wait to meet you. But you need to stay in there a bit longer so you can grow big and strong, ok?" She felt a swift kick. "That's my girl."

Meredith's head dropped back on the pillow and she smiled to herself, her hand staying on her stomach.

Maybe moving was just what she needed, a new beginning for her. But more importantly a new beginning where no one knew who she was. She was just Meredith. Mother to be. A fresh start, it was perfect.

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