Chapter 9

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After the day Meredith had, had he didn't want to leave her alone. So he insisted that he would sleep on the sofa just in case Finn was to come back. He wanted her to feel safe.

The sound of his pager pulled from his sleep, causing him to shut up and look around confused. 911.

"Shit." He stood up, pulling on his trousers and reaching for his shirt, quickly changing so he could get to the hospital quick.  

He moved across Meredith's apartment, heading straight to her room. Opening the door he found her curled up around her pregnancy pillow, her mouth wide as she snored. Derek couldn't help but smile.

"Hey Mer." He placed his hand gently on her shoulder, giving her a little shake. "Mer, wake up." He said shaking her again.

Her eyes slowly opened, her eyes meeting his. She smiled at him slightly, stretching her arms above her head before her hands drifting down to her bump.

"I'm sorry to wake you." Derek whispered, reaching down to brush her hair out of her face. "But I just got paged a 911, so I've got to head in, ring me if you need anything,ok?"

Derek watched as Meredith nodded her head before her eyes drifted shut again. He laughed knowing she hadn't really took in what he had said. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head before he quickly wrote her note before heading out to work.

It was a few hours later before Meredith finally woke up. She stretched her arms above her head, before scratching at her belly on the left side as her bump was forever growing. Sitting up, the memories from last night rushed back to her. She kissed Derek. Or he had kissed her. She didn't know. But what she did know is that she liked it and she wanted to do it again.

"So bug, what are we hungry for this morning?" Meredith said as she looked down at her bump, her hands running over it. "Waffles? Eggs? Bacon? Pancakes?" At saying pancakes she felt a swift hard kick, causing Meredith to smile.

"Pancakes it is then." Meredith pushed herself up as quick as she could and headed to the kitchen.

Heading into the kitchen, she pulled out the ingredients for the pancake and began making them. Just the way Derek had showed her.

Once they were done, she piled them up on her plate and drowned them in syrup, with a few strawberries. Deciding to make the most of her free day, she washed all of the baby clothes, air dry them and then folded them up, so everything truly was ready to go.

A loud on the knock disturbed Meredith, as she placed down one of the baby grows and headed towards the front door. She slowly moved across her apartment, as the knocking continued on and on.

"Alright, hang on I'm coming." She shouted. "I'm 7 months pregnant m, you've got to give a girl a chance." She whispered angrily to herself.

Pulling open the door quick, she came face to face with someone that she was hoping to avoid. She quickly tried to slam the door shut, but his foot stopped it as he pushed the door open and stepped into her apartment.

"Finn." She gulped in fear, holding back the pile in her throat. "What are you doing here?" Her voice barely a whisper.

"Meredith, it's been while." He reached out to brush the hair of her cheek, watching as she flinched at his touch.

"Seriously Finn, you need to leave." Meredith searched for her phone but realised she had left in the bedroom.

"Well I heard there were some rumours going round that you was pregnant and I was going to be the father." He looked her up and down. "Turns out them rumours were true."

"It's not yours." Meredith quickly spoke up.

"What?" Finn asked, venom in his voice as he stepped closer to Meredith, staring down at her.

"It's not, not yours." Meredith repeated.

"Why you little..." Finn reached his hand up and Meredith flinched her arms wrapping around her belly. But it never came.

She took the opportunity to open her eyes and found Finn on the floor, blood running down his face, Derek standing over him with clenched fists.

"What did I tell you about coming back here?" Derek reached down and picked Finn up by the collar of his top, dragging him to the door, slamming him up against the wall.

"Derek, stop." Meredith pleaded behind him, causing him to turn towards her before turning back to Finn.

"You're lucky Meredith is here." He opened the door and threw him out and onto the floor. "Now if I catch you around either of my girls ever again then I won't be held responsible for what I do." He slammed the door and turned back to Meredith.

He stepped forward, watching as Meredith flinched.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I would never." Derek whispered, softening his features.

Meredith moved towards Derek and grabbed his hand, running her hand over his bruising knuckles.

"You need to get some ice on that." Her eyes finally moving from his hand up to his eyes. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" He asked, as he placed the ice on top of his hand, wincing slightly.

"Defend us." She asked as her hands ran up and down his arms.

"Cause you're my girls." Derek's eyes met Meredith's once again. Tears fresh in her eyes. "Whilst I'm around no one will hurt you or the little one, I promise you that." He said as one hand cupped her cheek and his other drifted down to rest on her bump, smiling as he felt the kicks.

Meredith leaned into his embrace, her hand joining his on her bump, their fingers linking together. They smiled at each other before their lips joined.

So this is what it feels like to be in love. So safe. So secure. But more importantly happy.

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