Chapter 47

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It was one of them days where Derek wanted nothing more than to be at home with his girls. Work was beyond hectic with casualties constantly rolling through them ER doors.

He had barely had 5 minutes to himself from the minute he walked through them hospitals door, so he was now taking the opportunity to ring Meredith. But before he could even get his phone out of his pocket he was approached by Richard.

"Shep, a word if you're free." Richard said as he walked up next to him.

"I was just about to phone Meredith, so make it quick." Derek said as he pulled his phone out of pocket and quickly began texting Meredith.

"I need you to step up, be interim chief whilst I'm away. There has been a family emergency and I need to take some time off." Richard said as he watched Derek pause his typing and look up at him.

"What?" Derek asked, not sure if he heard Richard correctly.

"Look it will be for a few weeks and you're the perfect candidate and I know you said you didn't want it but I need you to do this for me Derek. It's clear that I will be retiring soon and the board think you are the perfect choice for the next chief so this is your time to shine." Richard said, folding his arms across his chest as he waited for Derek's response.

"I...I don't know what to say. I will need to speak to Meredith. I mean we have a child with another on the way so, let me speak to Meredith but I want this but I've got to check first." Derek said as he put his phone back in his pocket.

"That's fine but I will need an answer by the end of the week." Richard was cut off as Derek's pager rang out, alerting them to another patient that needed his attention.

"Ok, alright." Derek said, checking his pager before turning and running off.

Derek finally walked through his front door a lot later then he had expected to as he dragged his exhausted body to the kitchen.

"Hey you, how was work?" Meredith asked as she stood at the kitchen table folding another load of clean laundry.

"Long." Derek simply replied as he walked over to the fridge to grab him a drink before joining Meredith at her side, his hand running up and down her back.

"You looks exhausted." Meredith said as she glanced at him, her hand rubbing at her bump when their son was kicking away.

"Hm, my whole body hurts." He said kissing her quick. "I need to talk to you though." Derek said watching as Meredith frowned.

"Dada!" Morgan squealed as she walked into the kitchen and walked over to him, her small hands grabbing at his trousers.

"Hey you." Derek said as a large grin spread across his face as he leaned and picked her up, tossing her in the air before catching her. He listened as she giggled before reaching out to grab his nose.

"Dada ba?" Morgan asked with a small frown on her face, looking just like Meredith.

"It's the play pen in the living room." Meredith replied for him.

"Come on, let's go get ba." Derek replied before he kissed Meredith quick and moved into the living room.

Leaving the kitchen, Derek left behind a confused Meredith, who still stood there with a frown on her face as she finished off the rest off the laundry. The pile of freshly cleaned baby clothes piled high.

Once she was finished, Meredith waddled slightly into the living room to find Derek and Morgan on the floor, laughing as they played. Leaning on the door, she stood back smiled as her hands rested on her forever growing bump, their son kicking away. She gasped slightly as a swift kick was delivered to her ribs causing Derek to turn and face her.

"You alright?" He asked as he stood to his feet, leaving Morgan to play, as he moved to stand in front of Meredith and his hands moved to her bump.

"Yeah, we just have ourself our own little soccer player in here, I mean he really is kicking up a storm. Morgan never kicked as hard as this." She said as her hands joined his.

"I've been offered chief." Derek said casually watching as Meredith looked up to him, confused.


"It's not permanent, well not yet. But Richard needs me to step up as interim chief and they need an answer but I had to check with you first." He said, watching Meredith's face for a response.

"Oh, well I mean do you want to do it?" Meredith said as one of her hands moved to his arm and gave it a quick squeeze.

"I do." Derek responded truthfully. "But this is a decision that we need to make as a family as this will impact all of us. If you don't want me to take it then I won't..." he was interrupted as Meredith held up her finger to silence him.

"You should take it." Meredith said with a bit of hesitation in her voice. "But Derek, work can't overtake you're life, I mean we have a baby on the way and Morgan is becoming a handful recently now she's walking." She said as she pointed to their daughter who was now on the other side of the room, pulling all of her toys out of her toy box.

"It won't, I promise Mer." He said as he stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"Well, I guess congratulations are in order." Meredith said as she smiled up to him proudly before leaning up to kiss him quick.

"Mama uh oh." They heard Morgan say behind them causing them to pull apart.

Turning around, they found Morgan covered in her paint.

"How did she even get hold of that?" Meredith asked as they both started laughing.

"Morgan what are you like." Derek said as he pulled himself away from Meredith and moved to scoop Morgan into his arms.

"Looks like you are having a bath tonight then." Meredith said as she tickled Morgan's stomach causing her to giggle along with them.

"I'll go and get her bath started." Derek said shaking his head as he kissed Meredith again before heading for the stairs with Morgan in his arms.

Meredith smiled at his retreating figure as he disappeared up the stairs. Her body was filled with doubt and fear at the thought of Derek becoming chief and the possibility of her, Morgan and the new baby being placed on the back burner.

She just hoped Derek kept his promise and wouldn't let work become his number one priority.

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